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Posts posted by Downtown

  1. 2220 Main is "The Hound Station" : Greyhound Bus Station. It is one block from the 2016 Main Building.

    Wasn't that the Baytown Mountains?

    According to IMDB, filming for Urban Cowboy was at Gilley�s, 2200 South Main and 2016 South Main. Those addresses are on Main, and when the street becomes S Main, the numbers just continue. 2016 Main is, of course, �2016 Main�. Don�t know what would have been shot there. Not sure what is at the 2200 Main location, or if what was there then is there today

  2. If you want to give to someone you think is really in need, I won't chastise you. However, if you are one of those who give to the intersection regulars, I will be greatly disappointed. That is where my frustration lies. They are the laziest of the lazy. Especially the ones who are so lazy, they work the same corner, with the same sign, every day.

    When I was 17 and first saw downtown, sometimes I would give some change eventhough I didn't have much to give. I was waiting on the bus to the low paying job I had. A regular bumb asked me for change and I gave it. He came out of the store minutes later with a 40 oz. BEER!!

  3. Maybe when Savoy becomes a BIGGER pile of bricks, they'll knock it down and build something useful. that place has been vacant forever it seems. Go by there one day and see the brick pile behind the garage. The black widow gate is a nice touch! The newer side is not that bad looking, I guess its what's attached to it crumbling to the ground that's the problem. It still looks better than that fugly old Days Inn Building. I thought that sold recenty and there where high hopes of turning it into condos and businesses. That Days Inn seems to get a little uglier every day!! Does anyone know if that sale really went through with Days Inn?

  4. I have noticed on the H.A.R. website that there is a huge foreclosure rate there. I also wondered what the view from there was like. From HAR's pictures it doesn't seem good. I see the parking garage across the street in most of them. It is a very nice place, and wondered what the problem was. The bumbs around that dollar store are annoying and probably hurt the values and sales, but that's part of downtown living too. Bumbs have been downtown for many years and don't expect them to leave any time soon. Maybe they should move the security guards near the front door so it appears more safe.

  5. It is not just downtown-the medical center buildings and the Galleria buildings seem to all have red lights. I was noticing that too recently. Every highrise in or near downtown has some type of bright lights on the top(or near the top) The Royalton has two new bright white lights on top. The helicopters get really close to the buildings on the edge of downtown-ecpecially the HPD helicopters. I sure it's a new safety rule. The Mosaic codos also have some new red lights. I also read that Mosaic was already in bankruptcy before the second building is finished! I have seen training exercises in the early morning in one of the vacant buildings where helicopters fly just feet from the buildings to drop the men down.

  6. What hurts the image of this place is the Greyhound Bus Station. If you stand in front of Sammy's you will see the constant stream of nuisance. Its just too close for comfort. Very unsettling for visitors. For the $ people are paying to live there its just not worth it. Long time Houstonian's would understand. This would probobly work ok for singles or a couple but no way I personally would have children around that scuz. Just too close for comfort. This is just an honest comment, sorry to hurt feelings. That Greyhound needs to go like now. -_-
  7. As abhorrent as we find them today, debtors' prisons served a useful purpose in their day. They were places where people could, through some financial arrangement, "work off" their debt.

    They were such unpleasant places people actually worked hard to stay out of them. They were inspired to actually pay their bills. Imagine that. What a concept.

    And while we're on this subject, does anybody remember the old City of Houston Prison Farm on Mykawa Road? That was a place where people convicted of misdemeanor crimes were sent to "work off" their sentence. Usually six months or less.

    It was closed sometime back in the 70s or 80s, and the city built the Mykawa Multi-Service Center to replace it.

    There's still a JAIL there on Mykawa. I think they just built a newer building over it??

  8. 2016 MAIN is a condo building! It has been renovated recently on the inside. Before 1978, it was apartments for rent only. It was built in 1965. No "clever" name-read the top! It's name is it's address (unless it has a nickname that I don't know about)!The McDonald's is at 2017 Main&Gray St. and Sammy's is the club on the 1st. floor. It blasts the lobby with music on Thurs.,Fri.,and Sat. nights. Here's to WAITING ON THE ELEVATOR MUSIC! When it rains, that ledge under the address keeps the rain off if you stand out on one of the balconies on the top floors! It's a great place, but strict about everything. I love the big balconies and the views-plenty of room for patio furniture and a plant or two!

  9. I hope I'm not asking about a building already talked about. But I had no idea how to even start searching for info about this place.

    Does anyone know the story behind this building?


    It is off of North St, near the 45N. Google Map link here...


    Houston's own REDNECK HI-RISE!!!Time to count the empty beer cans thrown down below? I wonder:ELEVATOR or STAIRS? Window units or chill water! HA!

    Only in TEXAS...

  10. I used the ---& Associates info.they sent to help prepare my protest. Every once in a while,they'll send a printout(comparison) with a handwritten note-Your property value is too high. Keep in mind their fee is very expensive for what you can do yourself eventhough they seem so convenient. I always wondered how effective they are compared with if you put more effort than them to prove. I noticed on the screen in the HCAD building that a LOT of people use those 2 companies. Don't remember if I'm allowed to name names here.

  11. I just saw my 2008 appraisal on HCAD website. I own a small bungalow w/garage apt in Montrose and I rent both out. My appraised (market) value just went up 25% for no good reason to the value waaaay above anything I could sell that property for. I will definitely protest. I have several possible pathways to pursue in my protest:

    1) Unequal appraisal: a similar house around the corner (similar street, larger lot) is appraised at 60% of mine solely because of land value: mine is assessed at $57 per foot while the other house at $35 per foot of land.

    2) I just had mortgage refinanced and the bank appraised the property at about 80% of what HCAD thinks it is worth

    3) Try to find "comparables" via MLS (either through a realtor or by going to HCAD)

    4) Try to go by rental income

    The most beneficial way is definitely the land value approach but I am not sure that it will work. And if it does not, could I bring up other arguments later in the hearing? Does anyone have experience/suggestions?

    I noticed ,the best way to get through to those people is to back your argument with plenty of PROOF-Lots of pictures, HAR printouts comparisons(e.g. one's remodeled,added on to, landscaped, improved,needs maintenance and one's not). It is mostly based on recent sales and unless you bought it in the last yr. or two; I don't think they will care about anything to do with rent or financing. See 'har.com'.10% rule if you've owned for more than a year. Mine made me want to cry too and I can protest two this year. keep in mind that Houston's housing market is on of the strongest in the nation. Eventhough our number sale droppped-our sale price increased. It was in the news today.

  12. I had to pass that fugly building every day to go to work for a long time. At one time, it was even growing mold. This has to be one of downtown's most boring buildings. Nothing but a few cars and a motorcycle- dead SILENCE!!`The long green mile...'

  13. hmm...

    state national building

    great southwest life

    niels esperson

    texaco (1914)

    Do you have any close ups of the State National Buiding? Above the windows, it says, "FRVGALITY is THE MOTHER of THE VIRTVES".Perfect for a bank building(and me)!! In between some of the words are some old style silver coins from that period. I also like that skinny little buiding-probably my 2nd favorite. One day I'm going to figure out how to put pictures on here. I would love to see the penthouse. Saturday, when I passed by, there was a note on the door saying it was closed due to a power outage. There is a club on the first floor called LEVEL. It seems like recently someone took off BANK from the side of the building.

  14. There seems to ALWAYS be someone on top of 2 Shell. I love day dreaming during a meeting and watching those dudes.

    There have been three to four guys up there all week.

    On a related note, last week guys were putting solar panels on top of City Hall Annex. They are not wired yet.

    How I love my view!

    2016 Main's maintenance guys like to hang out on the ledge under the address a lot. I see one up there almost every Sat. That's one way to avoid WORK!!! I'm starting to think they have it really easy...Punch in and guard the address. Too bad they keep that door locked. I'd love to go up there! :rolleyes:

  15. I was there and froze my *** off! It was horribly off schedule and I had to walk back about 12 blocks just to use the restroom and get a cup of coffee! At least I saw myself on the news that evening! That place wasn't even left abandoned for 20+- years like The Savoy, Hell on Earth Inn, and Central Bank. Can't wait to watch those implosions too,but with a much better view!!

  16. I lived there for a year when I was 18. It was owned by a sweet old lady, but her son ran the place most of the time.It had push button light switches and crystal old fashioned door knobs. They are all studio apartments and was the first and only time I ever saw a Murphy bed. It was built in the very early 1900's- can't remember the exact year. My apartment faced the courtyard which was the nicest part of the place. I had the worst,most annoying,sex at 6:00am on Sat.,upstairs neighbor you could ever imagine who,himself, inspired me to buy a quiet place with thick walls!! The park across the street has been redone in the last few years and is no longer the homeless homestead it was way back when I lived at those apartments. There's nothing worse than preachers with microphones to make you want to pull your hair out! The rent was cheap and it helped me save money and my job was within walking distance. It also made up my mind to NEVER rent again! Someone asked about parking-you're on your own and have to pay since there is only space for about 3 or 4 cars next to the building. It also had some unusual antique looking appliances, but they worked fine. I guess they had a good appliance repairman.

  17. You can see the abandoned hotel on the left side. Let's hope they do something with it soon.


    SOLD!!!!! To "New Era Hospitality" about a month ago. I've never heard of them, but it sounds like a hotel company to me. There's a story on Swamplot about it. I know I'm sick of looking at that ugly thing! It was previously owned by the Maharishi Mahesh YOGI people and was called Heaven on Earth Inn and that didn't work out and was shortly run as Downtown Plaza Hotel. I'm guessing that's when they sent a guy up with a paint brush and a bucket of black paint to paint HOTEL on top. Have you ever heard of "yogi flyers". Check it out on youtube sometime for a good laugh. One down-2 to go for my neighborhood abandoned buidings. Now someone needs to buy Central Bank at Travis and Gray. I'm sick of looking at that ugly thing too!

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