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Bungled Bungalow

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Posts posted by Bungled Bungalow

  1. There were two public input meeting put on by the Buffalo Bayou Partnership this past week for their plans to rehab the stretch from Sabine to Shepherd. One was on Monday and the other on Tuesday. I made it to the Tuesday meeting which was at the United Way building on Waugh. There were a lot of suggestions made and topics covered; flood control, an official dog park, bigger parking areas (bleh), a possible Cafe/restaurant east of the Jewish Cemetery (Bigger bleh), water quality issues, canoe/kayak put ins, and restoring the bayou channel to a more natural condition after the bulldozing and straightening the Army Corp did back in the 50's(?).

    I was impressed by the man (whose name I forgot) that ran the meeting. He did a very good job taking questions and suggestions and then either answering the question or handing the question off to Anne Olson from the Bayou group, or Kevin Shanley from the urban planning and design firm SWA Group who is consulting on the project. We'll have to see what the general plan looks like, I think they may have said something would be out in the fall.

    More info:



    None of this is related to the trail construction/rehab that the city is going to start in the next year, which I have mixed feeling about. The city plans were at the meeting, and it looks like the new trail will be very nice, and include a pedestrian bridge at Shepherd courtesy of TXDot. My gripe is that a lot of the steeper hills and tighter curves are being are being brought into "code", which I translate to "boring".


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