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Posts posted by overman138

  1. An old friend and I were talkin' about things we used to do and places on Westheimer we used to go when were were teens and.....well, how easy it was back then to get in places we weren't supposed to be like tattoo places (Black Dragon, Shaw's, Custom Design, etc),venues/clubs like Cardi's and others we can't remember the name of (there were others like Corners on Spencer Hwy, The Unicorn, Angora Ballroom, etc but those weren't on Westheimer) and some strip clubs - all in the Montrose area. Okay, the strip clubs is the main reason I'm starting this thread. Michael and I were tryin' to remember the names and location of all these places and other than Cardi's (5901 Westheimer) and 2 of the topless clubs, we can't remember them. Well, we remember The Boobyrock and though we don't remember the name of it, we remember one being where the "Young Adult Club" eventually opened. He thought there was one more we used to sneak in to but I seem to remember 2 or 3 more but we can't remember anything about 'em other than - well.... other than not all the female dancers were all female. Can anyone here help us with the names and/or locations of any of the Montrose area strip clubs from the early 80s other than The Booby Rock as well as any of the Westheimer Rock venues other than the old Cardi's and Numbers?

    I remember a topless bar that was located on Shepherd at Kipling (I think) on the west side of the street. It had some pretty elaborate paintings of women on the outside. I can't remember the name, but it became a party supply store for many years until it was demolished withing the last five years or so. I was only a kid in the early 80s, but my carpool drove past it every day and my friends and I would kid our moms asking them to take us there. Anybody else remember this place?

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