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Posts posted by travel1

  1. If yours went up that much I would seriously consider talking to a Realtor about getting a CMA done and contest it. Values went up south of 10, but shouldn't have gone up that much. Mine went up $20k, but I'm not contesting it because if they decide to audit my appraisal, they'll discover my new pool and I'll be in real trouble. Get an agent to do a evaluation for you...

    Mine went up 10%...

  2. As for this whole canyon gate business, far from ghetto. I went to high school here and once heard someone say "theres gates to keep them in." Woo for having that cinco ranch mentallity.

    and the speed bumps at the Avalon suck! I know a couple of people in there and from what I understand they are still around basically because of one man who really hates crazy teen drivers, who doesnt? I can understand speed bumps in river oaks, people can drive through there to get from one major street to another or even in falcon point because of people cutting through to the mall. But in the Avalon? Theres no point in cutting through there and even if someone wanted to theres already gates. Someone needs to catch up with the rest of the suburbs and just teach their kids not to play in the street, or watch them like everyone else? These are only an inconvience to most of the people living there. Ive seen people drive through the grass to avoid them or use the back gate when they live in the front, just so they dont have to deal with the speed bumps. I guess that serves the purpose of keeping too many from going through your street, but its people who live there not random outsiders. Seems like you would realize your house is at the main entrance gate that everyone is going to use before you bought there...

    sorry to ramble, i dont even live there and they bug me this much... maybe thats the point? or maybe they bug the residents even more? If only I got as worked up about my school work as i do about these three little speed bumps...

    ;-) I didn't say that I preferred speed bumps or even liked them. I was just saying that I hadn't experienced the correlation to the decreasing of home values due to them...

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