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Posts posted by Aoide

  1. At least in my neighborhood....in the last week, i've been blocked by a train for more than 30 mins two time!  it really snarls traffic....yes 18-wheeler traffic is just as dangerous but they aren't near my house, trains are.

    This happens all the time where I work. In fact children climbing under and over a stalled train was played on the news in the same area and caused a little sensation in the local media.

  2. Ahhhh.... steak. My absolute favorite. I tend to patron the more pedestrian restaurants because I am on a teacher's salary, but I have hit the tops now and then, mostly when my aunt still lived here and helped with the bill. :)

    The best steak I ever had was at Mark's which isn't a steak restaurant, but there you go.

    I also had really good steaks at Ruth's Chris, Morton's and Brenner's. I am always disappointed at Taste of Texas. I always expect something fabulous and it is just ordinary.

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