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Posts posted by YallerKitty

  1. I've never been able to call it 'Bush' either . . . just stuck with 'Intercontinental'. I must say, though, that in the future I'll definitely go with Intergalactic! What a hoot . . . Are the clocks set on sidereal time? Do they show MST on the in-flight movies? Just don't entrust your beloved pet to the Schr

  2. Oh, how sad. I used to ride my bicycle(!) from the Montrose area to Westbury Square around 1970/71. I'd go to The Chemist Shop, which was located on the corner by Cargo Houston. The Chemist Shop was run by Mrs. Webster, an absolutely amazing woman who was as elegant as she was intriguing. She stocked a lot of natural beauty and health products, and scent oils from Caswell-Massey. I loved the Heliotrope, and actually still have a bottle with the merest drop left in it. I can smell that and transport right back to that time and place. I had a friend named Joy, who also adored the shop and Mrs. W. Once, I was in the shop just at closing time, and Mrs. Webster, a stately lady with a nimbus of ethereal white hair, usually barely contained in a bun, threw her shawl around her shoulders, tossed her head back and announced, "And now, my dear, I am off to throw a large red ribbon around the entire world!" This was declared in her fascinating accent, which I always imagined was Basque (not sure why I thought this). I never forgot the power of her presence and my absolute certainty that she was off to do just that. If only she could return to touch Westbury Square with her personal magic . . . sigh.

  3. I have a picture of my mom, Bidy Lomax, hanging out backstage with Jerry at one of those shows.

    Okay, youngster! Way to remind us precambrian types that it's time to shuffle off to the tarpits! (just kidding . . . I may be a bit inclined to see things through lavender-colored granny glasses, but I wouldn't swap the time of my gloriously misspent youth with anyone!) Now, I'll just grab the walker and toddle off to take my arthritis pills!




  4. Ah, the memories. I hung out at the Family Hand, the Old Quarter & Liberty Hall (with a couple of visits to Jubilee Hall just before it went defunct) during '69, '70 & '71. I don't think I went to the Hand but once after it became 'Texas Rose'. I moved to New Orleans in '72 & came back 6 years later to a different world. Only Anderson Faire was essentially the same, complete with Joy. Sigh. By the way, Mike Condray's birthday is Feb. 7th, so if anybody sees him, tell him Sylvia says 'Happy Birthday'.

    Does anybody remember the concert, Spring of '70, at the Colisseum, that started out with Josephus, then progressed through John Mayall, Beautiful Day, and Quicksilver, culminating with the Grateful Dead? After the concert, 'everybody' went to the Hand for resurrection. I was focusing on a guy with really curly black hair & granny glasses who I thought was my friend Kenny (things were a tad wavy). The saloon-type doors burst open, and a tall, skinny guy in a fringed leather jacket came in, walked up to 'Kenny', and started stabbing at him with a knife! 'Kenny' pulled a 'gun'! This was unheard of among all us peace-lovin' types. Anyhow, it transpired that 'Kenny' was Jerry Garcia and the tall fringed one was John Cipollina, from Quicksilver. The knife was rubber and the gun was a water pistol. Apparently this was something they pulled on a semi-regular basis . . . I went back to talking to one of the Beautiful Day adjunct personnel until it was time to melt back into the night . . .


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