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Posts posted by oneguyks

  1. US illegals are just that: Illegals-not guests. They have the freedom to come and go. They have the freedom to not live in labor camps. They have the freedom to assimilate if they so choose and to become citizens if they so choose. Of course those in Dubai could have choosen to not enter into what amounts to indentured servantship...but they did. Shame on them. It's stupid to compare the two groups as equal regarding rights.

    Oh, I couldn't resist responding to this nonsense. Illegal workers in the US have no rights whatsoever to come and go. If they are caught on the border, they will be detained and deported. In fact, INS /ICE officer can detain and arrest an illegal alien anywhere in the US without a cause (even if the person committed no crime) and deport him, even if the person has children who are US citizen and will be left without a father/mother due deportation. Repeat offender can be sentenced to 4 years prison. They don't have freedom to become citizen. What kind of nonsenical claim is that? Where did you get that? Dubai is a billion times better. The people come to work there on there own for the simple reason they make can make more money. They are legal guest workers and know what they are getting into.

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