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Posts posted by katyresident

  1. You must be new to the concept of forums.

    This thread is only 6 pages long. We have threads in the 100's. :rolleyes:

    I don't see your logic. I am capable of reading 6 pages without being annoyed.

    May I suggest a book in this series below to start with.


    La Centerra does not have a book store yet. Oh well, there is always Katy Mills.

    You can find them at Books-A-Million, since Katy is not. . . you know. . . ready for a Borders or Barnes and Noble. :D

    Wow. You're mature.

  2. That's gotta be the strangest thing I have ever read. :blink:

    Whether it's suburban, rural, or urban, I just care about well planned growth and dislike lazy sprawl developments that waste land. Discuss that here, if you can handle a long thread.

    So yeah, the we have an "echo" of Perry's coming to La Centerra. . . slow news day I guess.

    How was that strange? A little bit of intelligence would suffice to be able to understand his post...

    Good ahead and bash suburbia, no one is listening. Except for other insecure suburbia bashers. It's bringing jobs to the area, and the development itself is aesthetically appealing...

    And long threads are annoying. I think it is reasonable to start a new thread, especially when the second phase of the development starts construction. ^_^

  3. Who's forcing you? You choose to live in an outlying area that is still developing, and while many familiar chains have made it out to your area, others have not. We're entering a recession and available construction credit has been severely constrained, even for good bets. I'm quite sure that B&N etc. are going to consider their own fiscal health ahead of ensuring that the good people of Katy don't have to drive a little over ten miles to get to one of their retail establishments.

    Stomp your feet all you want and complain about people who criticize you for asking for a local B&N, but then sit down and ask yourself why you're asking the HAI forum for a B&N rather than writing a letter to B&N yourself, because I'm quite sure their execs don't read HAIF on a regular basis.

    We aren't asking the HAIF to bring us a Border's or Barnes & Noble. We are just venting some feelings to our fellow haifers. :) And....if someone in Katy wants to have a Barne's and Nobel they should have the right to express that wish without being criticized. Geez.

  4. Really? It doesn't seem like they have made a lot of progress in renting the available space in Phase I. Are they thinking that the addition of Phase II will make the entire project more attractive to prospective tenants?

    Hmm...good question...that could be the reason.

    Anyways, they have already started to clear the land.

    (Also, Perry's looks like it will open soon.)

  5. Eh...The townhomes or brownstone things look cheap and unoriginal if you ask me...

    The two don't compare. One is in a growing suburb, the other in one of the most expensive zip codes in the city, at intersection of major freeways etc. You don't expect something better than PTC in Pearland do you. The developer'd be nuts to do that. Yet PTC is adequate for the area. The people love it. As for it being a 'Town Center', it's not but people don't care.

    ^what I was about to say...

  6. Pei Wei is barely a step above McDonalds. "wings" are vinegar flavored deep fried chicken.

    Learn to cook. Learn to shop for food. I work long hours, my partner works long hours , we cook, we eat at home, and we eat well. Just like my mother, who still lives in Katy, and worked outside the home, and still fed a family nearly every night, in the dark days of the 70s and 80s before rotisserie chicken.

    Um..no. Sorry that's not enough credit for Pei-Wei. I find the food to be really good and I am not alone...

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