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Posts posted by considering

  1. Since I first started my Dowling project there have been a few live music venues

    Off topic, I know, and nothing novel but I couldn't help but mention that Warehouse Live is hands down the best live music venue in Houston...other places are good, to be sure, but nothing parallels the class and still not-too-big feel of WL...IMO, of course, but I think I'm right on with this one.

    Now if only all those bands that go to Austin would stop skipping Houston all would be well...

  2. I have not been since the re-grand opening. I will have to try it. I too lived in the suburbs and have always liked Randall's but for some reason this one was always sub par. I will go take a look this week and check it out. (I hope they are as good as you say! I can stop going all the way to Wesleyan for groceries now)

    Cool. Let me know what you think because I never got the 'before' experience and I'm curious to see if the grand re-opening really was an improvement or just a marketing ploy.

  3. I really believe that DT is on the cusp of being an awesome place to live. I wish I was younger, because I would move there in a sec, but the children (not yet but soon) and the dog need grass to play and the wife wants a garden. Hopefully in 20 or so years when we are empty nester, maybe we will get their chance.

    Walking to work would be awesome, I'll give you that. The biggest turn off for me, though, was the much higher maintenance fees compared to townhomes. For me, the extra convienence didn't justify the extra cost. It would be cool though.

  4. I don't presume to know the intentions of a being that has mastered quantum mechanics. Why do you presume that such a species would necessarily be interested in Stephenville merely because of physical proximity within a mere four dimensions of space and time?

    Maybe they're already here on earth and living amongst us? Maybe the largest contingent of that population is in Stephenville and the lights being seen are nothing more than messages to their fellow alien kind? Lights to us but birth announcements, miss you cards, and next step plans to them.

  5. Specs and Rice Ep. have better produce than Randall's nowadays.

    Are you basing this on recent findings? I ask as it sounds like the quality of food (including produce, of course) is what they aimed to improve upon as part of this grand re-opening. Things might have changed. I don't have enough experience with Specs/Rice Ep. to say anything about them but I can say that I thought the produce at Randall's looked pretty good to me--a person with a suburban HEB background.

  6. Knowing what the average townhome square footage in Midtown is like--- if a girlfriend/fiance can't comfortably accomodate into your 1700-2000 sq. foot space shared by two people, and insists on more space, seriously, you're screwed. Really! Run, don't walk, away. Just a friendly tip. Good on your forward thinking , though!


  7. I'll just note that a common mistake of first-time home buyers is buying too much space - much more than they need. A home is not just an investment, but a regular, real cost - not just for the building and land, but the maintenance and utilities. Paying for unused space is just waste. So, while townhomes can be an attractive investment, they probably have a lot more space than you need (3+ bedrooms). An efficiency or 1 bedroom loft might be a better overall investment if you fully cost it out, although certainly beware of the annoying maintenance fees. Also, in general, I think you'll have a better return-on-investment buying used rather than new construction - loft or townhome. The new construction premium is high and tends to depreciate rapidly (just like the first year of a new car).

    Great point on the too much space issue. I bought more space than I currently need but I did that knowingly since I wanted to make sure I could grow into it, you know, single to married and maybe, just maybe a baby. My thinking was that I didn't want my future situation to force me to sell earlier then it made financial sense to do so. Of course, I'll probably marry a girl who will suddenly HAVE TO live in a bigger place and all my planning will be for nought!

  8. I was where you are at about 3 months ago (first home, young, single, working DT, similar price range), Emirate, and I decided on a townhome in Midtown. That said, I considered several places: the Heights, East End, DT (even St. Germain for that matter), and Midtown. In my mind, each of these places have merit and should appreciate with time (given the Houston economy holding steady--another thread) as well as certain drawbacks. Midtown fit best with my criteria at the time I searched--location to DT, appreciation potential, in my price range, low maint. fees, not too old. So far, I am quite pleased.

  9. I don't believe in most of the bible (as being the 'true, unadulterated word of God') or organized religion, as such -as much of it has been contrived, manipulated, rewritten, suppressed, etc. for various purposes over the centuries.

    I've been reading a lot about quantum mechanics and it (QM) seems to explain a lot of unexplainable things ... like how things can be here and there, and disappear and reappear when observed. So maybe all these unexplained phenomena are really coming from other dimensions that we just can't imagine ... and we don't have the technology or understanding yet to ... comprehend it all yet.

    I understand your skepticism in light of a lot of religious history. At any rate, and depending on your level of interest in reading a Christian perspective, I recommend reading the 18 page chapter 4 of "More than a Carpenter" by Josh McDowell.

    Reading QM in your spare time? I don't know whether to be impressed or to worry that you aren't getting out enough...I think I'm leaning towards being impressed.

  10. But don't Chrisitns believe that the only life "God" created was here on earth?

    Not necessarily. I'm a Christian and I don't believe anything either way. As far as the Bible is concerned, the basis for my beliefs, I don't believe it discusses this matter specifically if at all. Six days of creation and a day of rest are mentioned but was that all? Maybe. Maybe not.

    At any rate, that's just my belief...I'm sure there are others.

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