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Posts posted by Alba

  1. to the OP, Shady Acres, and just about anywhere else in the city of Houston is just that - in the city. If you are in the city, you will have to be aware of crime, but not "afraid" of it.

    A nice bike has a good chance to be stolen out of your garage if you leave it open and unattended over night, and possibly in the daytime if it's an easy snatch and go, but generally, you don't have to worry. However, a bike on a patio (front or back) that isn't secured will be gone eventually. It's a city of 2.2MM and a MSA of about 4MM people. Crime is everywhere - even the Woodlands.

    Personally, you will be safe - unless you spend time amongst criminal-type people. Most crimes of the person are among people that know each other - regardless of where you live.

    Many thanks for your intervention, as well as everyone else's! We WILL lock the garage AND the bike away and not leave anything valuable outside.

    I don't usually spend too much time amongst criminals (!! ;-) ) so I guess I shouldn't be overly worried about my own safety in Shady Acres!!

    The house does have an intruder alarm and the landlord told us he's never had any problem in the house or garage, so hopefully this will continue to be the case with us.

    I am feeling more confident about the whole thing... thanks a lot everyone!

  2. I typed out a long drawn out response as to why this is one of the most unsafe neighborhoods in town, then I realized, it said "Shady Acres" not "Acres Homes".

    What a waste!

    Cliffs: Don't move to Acres Homes.

    Oh no! Sorry you wasted time typing for nothing, but VERY glad I won't be living in Acres Homes!!

  3. Hi everyone,

    my husband and I have just moved to Houston and we have now signed up for a lease on a house in Shady Acres.

    I am however getting really nervous about reports of burglaries and other crimes in the area... Am I going to feel safe in my own house (I will spend a lot of time at home on my own...). Are my home and my possessions going to be safe when we are away for the day or on vacation?? How bad is crime in the area? Do you feel safe walking around? Our house will have an alarm, but is that sufficient as a deterrent? Do these things actually work (i.e. does the police turn up if they go off?)?

    Sorry about all these seemingly silly questions, but I am getting worried!

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