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Posts posted by bsienk

  1. Guess it all depends on what you want... I shopped at the Kroger right before Christmas, and I found that their assortment was smaller than HEB's. Although it's a very nice conventional supermarket/drugstore, Kroger doesn't have as many specialty items. For example, there were maybe 1/3 as many types of pasta compared to HEB. That's fine, if you're buying regular egg noodles; if you want Amish noodles, it's HEB.

    On the other hand, I usually shop mid-day mid-week, so the craziness factor is minimal.

  2. About the feeder roads and the 518 traffic light timing, see this from the Chronicle:


    "...The feeder road construction is expected to be complete in one year and will cost $10 million. TxDOT is funding half that amount. The City of Pearland will cover $2.5 million with the final $2.5 million paid for by the tax increment investment zone that includes Shadow Creek Ranch."

    Also, the traffic lights are controlled by TxDOT. The city is paying for a study which TxDOT requires before redoing the timing. This will be completed in January, after which the request to adjust the lights will be sent to TxDOT.

  3. I honestly didn't realize there could be a difference in ownership. I guess I could call the city of Pearland and find out for sure.

    There's a box with a TxDot logo at the corner of 2234 and the 288 ramps. I believe that contains the controls for the traffic lights. I was thinking that a state highway interchange would probably be controlled by TxDot, but you never know. It would be worth calling the City of Pearland to see if they could arrange to coordinate, assuming that it is a TxDot signal.

  4. I estimate at least 75% of this problem is due to one light; it's the last one on 518 going eastbound just before you go under the 288 overpass. That light is on a 20 second timer, which is far too short to process the backlog of vehicles traveling eastbound. You probably saw the gridlock which frequently occurs behind it at the intersection of Business Center and 518.

    Why the city hasn't fixed this light yet, I don't know, but it's been on that 20 second timer ever since the towncenter opened.

    I think you're referring to the light at the interchange. Is that a city traffic light or a TxDot traffic light? I remember seeing TxDot trucks repairing signals at 288 and 2234 after Ike.

  5. I've read that the Kroger grand opening is December 14. I heard they had employee orientation at the store Sunday and are stocking now. Perhaps there will be a "soft opening" prior to the 14th.

    Agreed about the traffic. The intersection of Shadow Creek Parkway and Business Center Drive badly needs a traffic light, what with all the people trying to turn there for access to Nolan Ryan Jr. High, Bucee's, and the businesses down by HEB.

  6. I had been assuming that the parking along the street in front of stores would give the air of the small-town mainstreet with diagonal parking, accentuating the "town center" idea. But what do I know?

    Basically, I'm making no judgments all at, especially not prejudgments. Except for this: I'm glad that there will be some better stores and amenities close by, department stores, a big bookstore, and so on. Up until now I've had to make close to an hour round trip at $4/gallon gas if I wanted that sort of thing -- so I didn't. Now I have more choices, and that has to be a Good Thing.

  7. What I really noticed on that site plan was the planned traffic lights on Shadow Creek Parkway, especially the one at Business Center Drive. I don't know how many times I've seen (or been in) a near miss with someone pulling out of Buc-ee's. Getting a light there can't come too soon.

    Does anyone know when Shadow Creek Parkway will be widened? Seems like a lot of new businesses will be opening within a few months, and there will be more and more traffic, and cross-traffic.

  8. So did a thread about the "Waterlights District" get turned into a discussion of race? I don't get it.

    Anyhow, my street has 4 white/anglo households (two of whom are gay or lesbian), 3 African-American/black households, 2 Asian-American households, 1 Hispanic household, and one mixed-race Hispanic/Asian-American household. I tell people I'm living in a little United Nations, or maybe a little melting pot. This isn't the old one-race-versus-another-race situation of the 1960s. This is just people, living as neighbors, and it's part of what I love about living here in SCR.

    Of course, my point of view is someone who grew up as a Air Force brat, lived in Japan and Guam before finishing growing up in majority-Hispanic San Antonio, lived in black-majority DC, lived in a mixed-race neighborhood in San Diego, lived in East-End Galveston, and now I'm here. My two brothers both also married women of a different race (well, they're all of the human race, but you know what I mean). I just think this is normal. We're all people first.

  9. When I was a teenager I lived in San Antonio across from the future site of Ingram Park Mall. The same strategy -- construction over time and a "staged" opening of stores -- was used there. It was 1978, I think, and Sears and Penney's opened in time for the Christmas shopping season. The rest of the mall was ready a little later.

    The same thing is happening here, with a few major anchors (the hotel? Macy's?) first. It's likely that most of the stores will be open in time for your holiday shopping.

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