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Posts posted by hilti

  1. The seller had an engineer come in and evaluate the slab. I also had the person (Michael Gray) from the above website come in for a second opinion. They both said the slab was fine and didn't need any work done to it. Thanks for all the help!

    Michael Busch with Professional Drain Inspectors is great for camera'ing sewer lines - 713-304-5150flipper
    I had Michael come in and camera the sewer line...he did a great job. Thanks for the recommendation. I noticed that you mentioned in a different thread to mention your name, so I let him know you recommended him.
  2. so, apparantly the buyer is going to have an engineer come in and make the recommended changes. Point taken about the plumbing under the slab...I never would have thought of that. I'll have to do some research and see what is the best and most cost effective option. thanks for the responses. it is pretty overwhelming to go through all this the first time.

  3. I am currently looking at a house in Shepherd Park Plaza. There was previously a contract on the house that fell through because it was an out-of-state buyer that wanted a relatively clean inspection and quick close. I was provided the inspection report. I've never seen an inspection report before, so it was a little daunting to see all the things on it. The most notable issue related to the slab foundation (of course). It was noted in the report that there was a stair crack in the exterier brick veneer and sloping floors in the master bedroom and living room...and recommended review by a qualified foundation technician. I'm a first time home buyer...so, I don't know if this is standard for houses in that neighborhood (built in the 60s) or if I should run away from this house.

  4. I have not met anyone, but believe the residents are physically challenged. Our deed restrictions do exclude businesses & I think [?] homes in all sections are single family.

    Thanks for the welcome. It's been quite a while since the previous posting. Perpahs I should move this message to another topic with more up-to-date postings?

    Grandma, do you know if this group ever moved in? I'm thinking about putting an offer on a house in section 16 and this would be helpful information. Thanks!

  5. I have one for sale in Oak Forest on Lamonte. I really like Oak Forest for it's location and ability to increase home values by rehabbing. I'm finding that many homes sold in the higher 100k price range have undergone a good rehab process, so if you can find one that hasn't and put some money into the property, it's money well spent.

    The biggest gripe about the home I have for sale on Lamonte though is it's location; many buyers are commenting that they don't like being right on Ella. I have someone who is really interested with no children though; we may go looking this weekend.

    I actually put an offer on a house that was a couple houses down from the one mentioned above. I thought I put in a pretty reasonable offer considering that it was a 2/1 and 1000 sq ft. My offer was rejected so I'm assuming they must have gotten another offer really close to asking (185). The only main concern that I had is that there is an open lot right behind that area that is just prime for development. It could turn out to be something really nice, but it is also the perfect size for a fast food restaurant. I couldn't imagine smelling McDonald's all the time. As for rehabbing a house, I don't mind doing some small projects, but I'd rather have a house that is pretty much completely remodeled. I'd rather pay a little more not to have the headache. I do really like the area though and am hoping that something comes up.

    I saw a house that was being completely redone...down the road on Althea. It was being redone by Chip Johnson. I'm sure it's pretty expensive b/c the house looks like it was taken to the studs and rebuilt. I tried to go to the website that was listed on the sign (chipjohnsonhomes.com), but it didn't work. Does anyone happen to know what the right web address is?

  6. The western portion of Oak Forest is in the flood plain. Same for Shepherd Forest is in the flood plain. Shepherd Forest, east of Ella (like I suggested) is not even close to being in the flood plain. Check out maps.tsarp.org for maps of the flood plains.

    What price range are you looking in?

    thanks for the link...that is very helpful. basically, $200k is the upper point of my range.

  7. I tend to be prejudiced in favor of single family houses. I am a little skiddish on the townhome market right now, but that is nothing but opinion with no real reports or anything to support it, so take it for what it is worth.

    Close in places where under $200k will buy you something without too much work needed:

    Generally north:

    Lindale Park


    Shepherd Forest

    Oak Forest

    Sunset Heights

    Generally Southwest:




    Post Oak Manor




    Jackson Court

    Washington Terrace





    Houston Country Club

    Simms Woods

    Glenbrook Valley

    I am curious which of these areas you prefer? I have been looking at homes mainly in the Oak Forest area, but I am not really partial to any particular part of town. I currently live in midtown and am trying to find a nice single family home for around $200K that doesn't need a lot of work, isn't too far out of town, and is in a good area.

  8. Check out Shepherd Forest, east of Ella Blvd. Prices are slightly lower than Oak Forest, and it is closer to town.

    Thanks for the input so far...this is a great site! The house I am looking at is in the Oak Forest elementary district, so that is good to know. I have heard of Shepherd Forest, but thought it was in the flood plain?

  9. Hi...I'm new to this site. I'm currently looking at buying a house in Oak Forest right around the corner from the new shopping center that is being built. I'm not very familiar with this area and I was hoping that someone could provide insight with regard to potential home values in the future, impact of the new shopping center, and the general "feel" of the neighborhood. I currently live in the midtown area, but am tired of paying rent. I realize that it will be an adjustment, but I don't want to pay an arm and a leg for a small heights bungalow. And advice given is greatly appreciated...thanks!

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