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Posts posted by jwphillips2

  1. I used to go to The Jester to hear my brother Gordon and other "folk singers" like C.P.(Caddo Parish) Studdard (The Baby Died Last Night) and Scott Stripling. I remember that it was to the left and slightly behind Byron's BBQ on Westheimer, not two blocks away at Mid Lane (Sin Alley). The only thing at Mid Lane and Westheimer was the entrance to the apartments, two brick columns and some shrubs. I know because I would cut through there to get to The Deputy Drive-Inn right before the railroad tracks on Westheimer. Got a ticket one night for "peeling out". The Jester opened after the bars closed, typically after 12:00 or 1:00 on weekends, and the little hidden shack which held less than 75 patrons, was the only building on that street. The Jester closed when the sun came up in the morning and they did not sell alcohol.

    The Bird was up the street (closer to Alabama) from River Oaks' Battlesteins and faced W. Gray from the other side of the street on the east. I saw Lightnin Hopkins there twice. La Bodega and Sand Mountain were two other clubs that hosted local performers. Some called The Bird, The Bird Cage. And, don't forget Grif's Family Inn was THE sports bar at a time when you could get Eggs Benedict and a Mimosa at the Shamrock.

  2. It's not like Rice has huge signing bonuses/scholarships for football!

    Best go-cart driving anywhere, and the close-in parking was FREE (damn you Astros, Oilers, Rockets, Texans!).

    I always went to the games to watch "The Mob" band play. Notice I didn't say "Marching" band. Best battles of the football bands were Rice vs A&M. Quite a few altercations. It was great.

  3. I hung out at The Deputy. Great burgers. Great car hops! It was just down the street from The Jester, Byron's BBQ, Sin Alley. 2Ks was across the street from the Galleria. Heading toward Sage was the Luau with their flaming fountain and pretty good Polynesian food - right across the street from the funeral home.

    Sonny Looks Sir Loin Steakhouse on Westheimer (and downtown) with the knight who used to greet the customers on horseback in full knight's regalia holding a lance. I see that Brenners has taken over the restaurant Rainbow Lodge in Memorial Park. Brenners was a really good place for beef. Ye Olde College Inn on Main, Kellys on South Main. Gaidos on S. Main, Red Lion.

    Clubs having good food - Lakeside Country Club, Glen McCarthy's The Cork Club(and wild game dinners), The Petroleum Club, The Roundtable. The restaurant that was poolside at the Shamrock(Eggs Benedict and Mimosas @ Sunday Brunch) Thanks Glen. So many clubs and restaurants!

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  4. Funny how this is burned into one's memory...from another '62-'65 nude Johnston Jr High survivor.

    Everyone who called me a maniac here at work (their numbers are legion) about this subject has read this part of of the forum because they just couldn't believe it. I said "Look, I'm not saying we had catered orgies, I'm just letting you know that what really happened may not agree with your knowlege of history". That's what makes life so interesting! Nude DANCING would be different.

  5. The tram will take you through the Bldg. 9 Shuttle mockup area and various other areas. Bldg. 32 to view the giant vacuum chamber which is the same they filmed in "West World". All of the Building 2 (visitor center) stuff was moved to Space Center Houston and most is on display including a real moon rock you can touch. The Lunar Science Lab, aka The West Mansion transferred their inventory before turning it back to private hands.

    Attention: we can preserve it based on the fact that it was the first NASA Lunar Lab!

  6. I think all state funding problems would be eliminated for Texas if we just added 10 cents a gallon on all exported refined gasoline to "furiners" in other states. I was going to say "oil production", but I think we'll have to hit $100 a barrel on Texas Tea to have marginal wells producing here again. I think the Longview field is the only one still producing at pressure in Texas (maybe in the US). I think it would be like Louisana in the 50s, one of the richest states in the US at that time. Didn't need a Lotto to fund the schools or roads and where is that money going? I'm seeing a lot of news stories about funding Houston schools' computer and maintenance projects. And, with almost 60 cents on every gallon in state and federal tax, where is that money going?

    What used to hack me off about New Jersey (where was the old one?) was that every square milimeter of Asbury Park was metered parking and you couldn't park or drive on the beach. They closed the beach at dusk (no camping) and there was a pretty stiff beach admission. As far I know, the State still owns the access.

    The library looked like crap, the police were driving 7 year-old cars, the potholes could swallow an axle at any time, and city services were almost non-existent. Where did all that money go? Maybe we just need to do a better job on fiduciary responsiblities.

  7. JWphillips,

    I am sorry if I came off a bit surprised. I apologize. I started school in the late 60's so this was surprising to hear. I don't think I am the only one (modern times) that feels this way. Just seems like such a dated practice. I mean real dated. Peace on Earth all! :)

    No apologies necessary! I'm really amused with the responses. I spent 2 years in Europe in the 70s and went on vacation there many times. I discovered how different our cultures were. Nudity on broadcast tv, men and women changing into and out of their bathing suits at the lakes and beaches, nude beaches including children, etc. They always told me how uptight the Americans were about almost everything. "If everyone does it, it's normal." Someone here at work jogged my memories about Redd Elementary and Johnston and it looks as if nude swimming was a widely accepted HISD practice and definitely part of Houston's history. I'm wondering if the parents knew. I was just wondering what started it and why/when it was abandoned.

  8. In those days they kept stuff like that hushed up. This is very creepy. Glad I wasn't around then. I really wonder if HISD administration approved of this then? I'm sorry it's just too creepy to take in.

    I concur, utterly. I remember being told that this was a way to make the whole swimming experience "cleaner".

    While waiting for a definition of voluntary and involuntary (forced) participation.....

    "Yes, Son, I know you think you have it bad now, but I remember when we didn't even have enough money for a swimsuit...."

  9. I went to Johnston the first year it was built. When I first got there, I was a little shy about the nude swimming for boys and girls at the indoor pool. I think the girls went three days and the guys two days, and then it was switched the next week. A friend who went there after I did said that he couldn't remember when it was discontinued or why. Does anyone know the story? Can you imagine the outrage if this were to happen today?

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  10. Someone from New Jersey told me that up there they'll ask you if you want your burger to be "dragged through the garden."

    If you didn't specifically ask for it, your burger would arrive as a pattie in a bun with catsup. Yum! There didn't have malts, but they did have frappes. I was always afraid to order it. River Oaks Drugstore in front of Lamar and St. Johns had the best fountain drinks. White Oak Pharmacy in the Heights was a very close second. Brittains' Broil-a-burger anyone?

  11. The Chuck Wagon I remember was on the South East corner of Willow Bend and South Post Oak.

    Wheel Burgers, Hub Burgers and Spoke Burgers. Best chocolate malts (not shakes) in Houston. You drove up, parked, and walked up to that little window in the front to place your order. I still can't imagine McDonalds under-cutting their price by a nickel!!

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