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Posts posted by Burton

  1. Nena, thanks for kind words about my book and sharing your memories of growing up in southeast Houston. If your great-grandfather donated land for Golfcrest County Club then your family goes way way back. That is special in an area like Houston where it seems everybody has moved here from somewhere else. One thing you and other southeast Houston history aficionados may enjoy is an article about the interim NASA buildings throughout SE Houston. It should be in the upcoming UH magazine called Houston History. The whole edition will be about NASA. I worked on the Ambox building history for the book, but was amazed at how many of the dozen or so other buildings used by NASA that are still around today. That St. Austin Center on Wayside next to Villa de Matel, a Quonset hut shaped building on the UH campus, the Robert's Carpet building on 45 feeder by Canada Dry Street, and an old two story building across from Palm Center were just a few of the buildings I have seen forever, but didn't know they were old NASA buildings too. The article should include old photos of these buildings from the early 1960s. I will have to look for that old home you mention across from the Tel-Wink next time I am up that way. Please let me know if you or your family come across any old photos of the area for use in updated version of southeast Houston book. Thanks again, Burton

  2. I am not sure of the protocol on mentioning a book that is for sale on the forum, but, if possible, I did want to let forum members know of my southeast Houston history book that was finished being printed last month. See www.telephoneroadtexas.com for more info. It is a start in doing more to document the important and interesting people and events in often overlooked southeast Houston. I grew up in Gulf Meadows near Telephone and Fuqua and went to Mt. Carmel High School and UH. I am 34 years old and had no idea of so many interesting things that had happened in the area, most before my time. I would guess there are plenty of forum members who are also surprised at really amazing things they come across in Houston history. A lot of cool things I came across are on the website and looked at in more detail in the book. I don't know of any other southeast Houston history books so wanted to let people know that it is out there if interested. Thanks, Burton Chapman

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