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Posts posted by TVCoog97

  1. If you're really interested in placing the blame for these sorts of antics, don't point at the reporters. It's the consulting firms (Magid, B.I.G., etc...) who tell the stations that if their people don't act this way no one will watch and they'll all be out of a job in the next year.

    As it is, no one watches 2.

  2. Sorry to offend you, Bob.

    No wait, if Bob Allen was a Coog, he'd actually cover UH athletics once in a while! (Just another reason why Mark Berman is #1 in my opinion...he covers LOCAL sports.)

    And if you find stories about TSU's new assistant athletic director for academic compliance interesting, Berman's your guy. Mark works very hard and I respect that... I just think the guy loses sight of the fact that television is a visual medium. Frequently, watching his sportscast will be much like reading pages 9-12 of the Chron's sports section.

    And I know, I know... I'm a Cougar and I've heard the whining for years... channel 13 ignores the Coogs. Whatever.

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