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Posts posted by rvas1011

  1. Give yourself more credit Rachel.

    you read into things way too much, and that statement alone shows your an idiot or have a stick up somewhere...

    i simply asked what year you went since you stated there were many many engineering courses. i just wanted to see if it had changed from previous years, hence why I asked what year you graduated. Instead of just clarifying or simply stating that the courses may have changed you come up with a sarcastic attitude. people like you will keep haif from growing. here's a few links to help you change your attitude.



  2. Thadeaus's courses were engineering courses. What would you call it?

    my answer indiates what i consider Thaddeus's courses to be.

    don't know if you're trying to be sarcastic in stating what i would call it, but the fact that you stated "we had to take MANY MANY engineering classes" comes across as more than just Thaddeus's course.

  3. the answer to the o.p. question is also dependent on wether he/she is building inside the city limits or out. if out you can have anyone design it as long as they can produce good construction documents...

    texas911, you went to u of h and took various engineering classes for architecture? what year did you graduate?

    I graduated at u of h architecture also and don't recall taking many engineering classes. I just remember the Thadeus course.

  4. No what I meant was banks won't loan you money to be your own GC. They'll lend you money to have someone else build it for you though.

    that's odd, i guess like u stated it's the bank you choose. a friend of mine who is also an architect just built his house on washington and he was his own g.c.

    from hearing from his experience and others it's definately cheaper to build yourself, plus you can get more of what you want for a better price, not to mention you can be more of a voice to how something is getting put together meaning if it's being done correctly or what not.

  5. i was invited to go check out this building and the two penthouse units at top are amazing! from what i hear they are both sold already. whoever has those penthouse units will have a great view.

    one of the penthouse units has balconies on both sides that are probably about 2,000sq ft. one of the things i didn't care for was how the pool was placed, but overall once it's done i'm sure it'll be a nice feature. i took some pics of the finished rooms, i'll post up later when i get a chance.

  6. not sure if anyone here is or knows a 'tenant coordinator'

    i've looked up the job description in the bureau of labor statistics and came up with nothing.

    i've even looked this up for Houston with no success.

    anyone here know the daily duties of a tenant coordinator, salary, and stress levels????

  7. ok, so i'm sure everyone has seen that there are A LOT of foreclosures, especially in Houston. I went to visit a friend of mine and in their neighborhood i saw two homes with signs that state the house will be up for auction.

    With all these foreclousures one would think right now is a great time to buy, but then i heard that it's not.

    i'm confused. if i want to buy a house that is selling for less than what it's worth, wouldn't that be beneficial for me???

    i don't quite understand the market so any advice/tips would be appreciated....

  8. I sincerely doubt it will get so far as to have these things installed on Houston freeways. No freaking way. The test cases will get installed in El Paso and Aggieland, and maybe eventually some other rural freeways, and after a few months of random tickets going out the public outcry will be so loud that Rick Perry (or whoever is governor) and the legislature will tell TXDOT to cut it out.

    i agre, i dont think this will go far. the freeways get too jammed packed for this idea to effectively work.

    plus where would they place these cameras?

    once people know where they are they'll do their regular speeding, slam on the brakes for the area where the cameras are, and just slam back on the gas pedal after passing the camera. or at least that's what i would do :P

    texasarch, u just need to slow down period, mr. "drive it like it's stolen" LOL ;)

    Work trucks(god these guys are idiots, Never heard of Turn signals.)

    these guys need to be taken off the road period!!! they cant drive on freeways or feeders!!

  9. Thank you so much rvas! I appreciate the description. We're planning on being there the last weekend in October, but may come down sooner than that.

    then i may just see u. my b-day is 10-11 and i'll be hitting the clubs. i celebrate my b-day every weekend of october, lol

  10. I've heard of the South Beach place, and I think I may end up going there.

    South Beach is a BLAST!!! to this day that place still gets packed. the lines will be long!!

    i enjoy going there cuz it's fun to be able to go somewhere with upbeat music and not have guys forcing themselves on you :rolleyes:

    i'm sure u probably would like some specifics on the place since u want to visit a fun club. i know where ur coming from, i had to do the same thing when i went to ny. i asked around for good clubs and i hated when ppl just gave me a name but no details, lol

    anyway, u first walk into south beach and there's an area with couches to sit and chit chat or make out, LOL. they have a bar there with tv's going, then beyond that is the dance area, but that area contains two bars. one directly to ur left when u first enter the space. and even more to the left is a stage where they have some FINE guys standing there. oh and those guys aren't gay, lol. i dated one of em, lol.

    anyway so they are for show. then you have the dance floor which is a medium size but the fun part is that they have smoke come down every now and then and you cant see anything for a bit, but the smoke is cooold but soo fun!! to the right corner of the stage is the second bar and that's it.

    JR's is more of just a social get together/bar place not a dance club. they too have a guy that stands there in his underwear, lol. and he is hawt! but he's not there all the time.

    rich's is ok, but i think south beach is better

    there are aslo gay tejano places, LOL and then there's chance's which is a lesbian club.

    i'm a native houstonian so i know all the places ;) if u need any more info feel free to ask.

    anyway, when r u coming to houston, i may just be at southbeach the same day, lol

  11. Thanks! They were shot with an Olympus E-500. It's my first digital SLR, so it was fun to finally get some cool lightning shots....something I could never afford to do with my 35mm SLR's.

    i know what you mean. i just purchased a new camera myself. i was never the photographer type but with a good camera u get hooked and want to take pics of everything and anything, lol :)

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