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Posts posted by skess

  1. Escobar on a Thursday is dead. Then they turn people away for something trivial about thier Prada shoes...

    Well.....sounds like someone was turned away and a tad bit bitter? I don't know what Thursday you went, but when I was there is was a good time. To be honest I don't see a whole lot of people going out on Thursdays or other week nights until the weather gets warmer.

    What about other new places in Midtown, I heard Komodos has some potential?


  2. Had some friends that went to escobar after La Strada on Sunday.  Said it was a blast....great crowd, a lot of fun and that esco is beginning to really become the new Sunday spot.  I also heard Thursdays they get a good crowd.  Did hear that they are pretty strict at the door and to go early or risk being turned away when the line piles up.  Of course going in a group of both guys and girls helps.  Anyone know their DJ line up or web address?


    I have only been once on a Thursday, but I like the place...cool design and good music. I think their web site is www.escobarhouston.com and they have events and DJ's listed.

    Woudl like to try it on Sat and Sun, I have heard mostly good things about the place and the crowd. Anybody else been to escobar or other cool places in Midtown?


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