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Posts posted by mdoss

  1. It's funny now, but it wasn't then: Paul Hernandez and I went to Astroworld with the MYF. While we were there, something struck us to begin spitting over the side of cable car that crossed over the park. When we landed, we were surrounded by security and escorted to the main office. They called our moms and they had to come pick us up from the park. We were literally kicked out of Astroworld on an MYF outing! Oh man! Dumb things that kids do......

    I didn't get too much involved with MYF after that. I was embarrassed about what we did. Funny!

    Okay, I've had to come out of lurkerdom for this. I stumbled on all of these Sharpstown threads after my brother sent me links to them since we both wax a bit nostalgic for the old days in Sharpstown. Now I'm reading this thread and had to post since I graduated in '83 from SHS, went to Long and even attended MYF at Gethsemane during the Jr. high years. I remember Paul and the Astroworld incident, the funky sanctuary and even Shed, although the memories are pretty foggy in this 41 year old brain. Just wanted to say "hi" and tell you guys how much I've enjoyed reading all of your posts. You've brought back a lot of great memories!

    Oh and I wouldn't worry too much about the Astroworld incident. Like Apollopride said, way stupider things were done in MYF/church youth groups. My cousin and I would take turns attending each others youth groups when we spent the night at each other's houses and her youth group at her Baptist church out in Alief was way wilder than I remember MYF. Kids will be kids, I guess. :rolleyes:

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