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Posts posted by Standeck

  1. Walked over to check out the new park as well. Pretty good crowd at lunchtime; the Lake House was not open or they could have done pretty good business.

    Saw Barbara Bush getting a one-on-one tour of the park with her Secret Service escort discretely following. She did not get panhandled.

  2. The Baker Street Pub and Grill opened at 5:00 PM yesterday (I happened by at 5:09). Pub food, pub decor and unusually for a new Katy restaurant, a full staff of trained servers! Lots of nooks, dartboards, a small bandstand for live music. Since HAIF-ers are always in the know, I will clue you in that the restrooms are purposely hidden behind the last bookcase on the right!

    If there's ever a Katy and Points West HAIF meet up, this is the place to do it. :)

  3. No Chuy's, but the Mission Burritos is open. Virtually a clone of Chipotle (or vicey versy); Chipotle's been around since 1993 according to their website, Mission Buritto says they've been in Houston since 1996, but I remember them from Southern California in the 70's (if it's the same outfit).

  4. We need to turn the Bayou into Riverwalk and call it something else . . .

    - Swampwalk

    - Where Styrofoam Cups go to Die

    - Ol' Brownie

    - The Long Cesspit

    - El Rio de Vagrantos

    - ???

    Seriously, the Bayou is a nice place to walk during the day but you're never going to have commercial development along it as long as it's part of the storm water system and can rise twenty feet in an hour.

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