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Posts posted by ShipPunk

  1. I know this is an old topic but I see that O Lan O store in acres homes and have witnessed a fight out there before. It looked old so I figured it was something else before, thanks for the clarification. I saw someone mention lucky 7 stores. I was cleaning my sons closet at my grandparents we now live in and found a lucky 7 paper sack in good shape, I had never heard of it. Someone mentioned Birdsall grocery store. My great grandparents owned that building and rented it to the man who owned the actual business, they used to do groceries on credit. My great grandmother lived across the street and a relative has a house on that lot now but I went in there a few times as a kid. The son of the owner saw my great grandma and was sort of ditzy and didn’t remember her name. She said “buddy I own this building if you don’t know my name put it on your daddy’s charge account !” Haha it was a tiny store . My family built a lot of those old houses that have been torn down for big townhouses, they also built most of those townhouses as well. It wasn’t around long when I was a kid before it was torn down. Good info 

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  2. My grandparents bought their house here in timbergrove new in the 60s from the builder. They had a stipulation that upon their death it will never be sold. So here I am. My kids keep asking what this area / land was before the houses. It’s sad how our original houses are being demolished for oversized houses. Does anyone have any photos of the pre developed area ? I told them

    i assumed it was all farms back in the old days . 

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