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Posts posted by Brian

  1. i read something that stated he was crushed by a tractor he was driving. It somehow flipped over. very tragic.

    From what I heard he was operating a backhoe, digging a trench for his sewer line at his house in Austin County, somehow while digging he didn't realize where he was at and ran onto the lid of the Septic tank and it cracked in half, the tractor fell backwards and threw him off crushing him.

    He was rushed to a local hospital and they saw how bad he was injured and knew he needed further help so was supposedly sent to a Bryan hospital but died enroute.

  2. My god did anybody here see that bright red tight fitting Chinese dragon lady outfit Dominique wore yesterday? Thursday? It looked like it was painted on her, and it showed off all her curves above and below.

    Combined with some of the oddest looking jewelry I've ever seen, and that oddball hair do, she looked like she just got into town from a Paris fashion show runway.

    I'm waiting for KPRC managers to admit once and for all that they're not in the news business. They're too busy showing off their female anchors' cup sizes, and based on what I saw yesterday I'm betting Dominique is at least a size 36-D.

    Who cares what she's supposed to be doing. I wasn't hearing a word she was saying. I was too busy rewinding my Tivo to watch her intro the news stories over and over again.

    Did you see Dominque last nite on the news.

    That red dress looked hot on her and showed off her curves rather nicely!

  3. My god did anybody here see that bright red tight fitting Chinese dragon lady outfit Dominique wore yesterday? Thursday? It looked like it was painted on her, and it showed off all her curves above and below.

    Combined with some of the oddest looking jewelry I've ever seen, and that oddball hair do, she looked like she just got into town from a Paris fashion show runway.

    I'm waiting for KPRC managers to admit once and for all that they're not in the news business. They're too busy showing off their female anchors' cup sizes, and based on what I saw yesterday I'm betting Dominique is at least a size 36-D.

    Who cares what she's supposed to be doing. I wasn't hearing a word she was saying. I was too busy rewinding my Tivo to watch her intro the news stories over and over again.

    Yes I saw the same thing, she was about to bust out of the outfit, very snug.

    And I would also agree easily 36D. I'm like you..How can you concentrate on the news when she wears something like that!!

    My god did anybody here see that bright red tight fitting Chinese dragon lady outfit Dominique wore yesterday? Thursday? It looked like it was painted on her, and it showed off all her curves above and below.

    Combined with some of the oddest looking jewelry I've ever seen, and that oddball hair do, she looked like she just got into town from a Paris fashion show runway.

    I'm waiting for KPRC managers to admit once and for all that they're not in the news business. They're too busy showing off their female anchors' cup sizes, and based on what I saw yesterday I'm betting Dominique is at least a size 36-D.

    Who cares what she's supposed to be doing. I wasn't hearing a word she was saying. I was too busy rewinding my Tivo to watch her intro the news stories over and over again.

    Also forgot to add have you paid much attention to Jennifer Reyna, I just love it when she wears sweaters, Mercy!!

    This past Thurs she had a sweater on with some sort of vest and it only enhanced what what was under it.

    Looking good!

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