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Posts posted by BikesNotCars

  1. I've been waiting for this property to be sold and we pretty much knew it was going to be apartments of some sort. However, from what i'm hearing it's going to just be another cookie-cutter apartment complex that's gated and has a ton of paved parking. This, I'm vehemently against. As a resident of the Energy Corridor, and living just down the street from the property, I would definitely prefer a low/mid-rise build (or 2 if they'd fit) with a ground level open to the public with retail & dining or other amenities for the apartments and local community. The Energy Corridor needs many more things like that (City Centre-esque?) if it really wants to remain competitive in the "i want to move there" market.

    Not to mention that if they built an attractive, walkable project on this property, it's within walking distance from the BP Westlake campus, which I heard they are also retrofitting into apartments, and hopefully other dining & retail & community attractions. Plus, that's just down the road from the former Conoco campus which I heard is also undergoing a renovation to become a multi-use campus as well.

    The Energy Corridor has too many bland, cookie-cutter apartments already (Eldridge Pkwy is flooded with them). We need something else.

    What other info is out there on this one?

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  2. I live right at this area, and honestly, I can't figure out how they're going to fit anything on that small triangle of land. Does anyone have any blueprints or further info? It's a terrible spot for more housing - adding hundreds more cars at such close proximity of that intersection is not a great idea. Plus, that intersection of Memorial & Addicks Howell has crashes all the time with people trying to cut across Memorial.

    We're having nightmares that perhaps they end up buying that stretch of Addicks Howell from the city, and use it to expand their footprint or something, forcing all of us that live in the adjacent neighborhoods to go to the light at HWY6/Memorial instead of taking that nice little shortcut.

    Would love any more info on this project  - I'm not an architecture guy and I don't understand a lot of permitting language, so any info and explanations would be helpful!


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