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Posts posted by beckwheat

  1. Talk about skyrocket! We moved into one of the first houses in Rustling Pines in in 1960 (I think). 13023 Boheme. My parents paid $49 thousand for the house.

    I just checked Harris County Appraisal District on the address......$396,000.00!!!

    They're nice houses in Rustling Pines, Memorial Bend, etd. but almost 400K? You can get a mansion for less than that if you go just a little further out I-10.


  2. U-Totem advertised on TV when I was a kid.

    "You tell 'em....U-Totem" (to music)

    I was born in 52 and I guess my first memories of U-Totem might have been when I was 6 o7 maybe.

    They were everywhere.

    The one by my house had a wooden Indian outside to emphasize the totem.

    A Hershey bar was a nickle there.

  3. Oh Lord. Back in the early 70's I worked at the bank that Cinema West used. The owner gave me 25 or so free passes....as if a young lady in her (then) 20's would want them. Anyway, a few of the other ladies from the bank and I went there during lunch just to laugh at the movies and the pervs. LOL! We even got kicked out once.

    I do remember that it was quite nice and clean.

    Don't know if it would be tactful to list the movies that we saw but let's just say they were classics. Never saw any complete movies cuz we were too busy cracking up and making fun of the acting....and the guys with popcorn boxes in their laps ;)

  4. I'd have to dig out my program but I'm pretty sure it was August 1965. The tickets were a birthday present from my girlfriend's dad and we both had birthdays in August. Think I was just turning 13.

    I remember hearing them play the first few chords of each song but the screaming fans drowned out the rest. Then a awhile later, there was some sort of mini-scandal in the Post or Chronicle about them not really singing because their voices were shot. I couldn't say either way to be honest. It didn't seem like they were lip-synching but then again, I can't say that I could hear their voices either despite being so close. It pandemonium. Definitely heard instruments, however.

    I do remember that we had to stand in our chairs during the entire show because once the people in the 12 rows in front of us stood up, we had to do so also in order to see.

    It was great no matter what.

  5. We lived just a few blocks from Westbury Square when it was built on Atwell Street. Used to ride our bikes up there and watch the construction.

    Rumpleheimer's was the best. That's where I got turned on to cinnamon toothpicks. Every spare penny we had went to buying them.

    There were very few stores int he begining. There was a restaurant (Lantern something?), a photography place, a party store, maybe a fabric store. . I'll have to take some Gingko Biloba to remember the rest. ;)

    To the person who lived on Arboles....my sister and her husband lived on that street at about the same time you did.


  6. I also saw the Beatles. We were on the 13th row. Stood in line for two days even though we had tickets. My parents picked us up at night and took us back the next day to stand back in line. I think I was 12 or 13 then. I still have the program book I bought at the concert.

    Found out later that they didn't even really sing but just moved their lips.

    Despite the lack of music it was an incredible experience! I remember finding a $20 bill in the concession area and thought I had won the lottery. Twenty bucks was a lot of money to a 13 year old back then :lol:

    But I think the best concert I ever saw here was one that had Canned Heat, Vanilla Fudge and Cream (ERic Clapton, Ginger Baker and Jack Bruce (?)). Either that one or Hendrix. All at the Coliseum. We'd always see Johnny Winter at those concerts, just walking around looking weird.

    Believe it or not, girls wore dresses to concerts back then and guys also nicely dressed. No jeans or long hair (yet) and probably not a joint being smoked during the concert LOL.


  7. Wow! What a cool site. Glad I found it. I'm a native Houstonion, age 50+ so I remember Westbury Square, Gateway Pool and all the other cool places y'all have mentioned here.

    Anyway, does anyone have a photo and/or memories of the old lady fortune-telling machine that was inside Bill Williams restaraunt on South Main back in the 50's?



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