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Posts posted by blueskies

  1. That old Toys R Us building still hasn't changed. I wish something was done with the building because all it adds to the area is an eyesore.

    I grew up on the west side, and that Toys 'R' Us location has been around for as long as I can remember. It's been closed up since Ike. Any idea what's happening with it?

  2. It would be nice if they kept their lights off! I have noticed that the entire building has lights on all night long.

    Turning their lights off would save them some money, but I'm sure that there must be a logical explanation for keeping the lights on. Maybe they are required by the city while construction continues? Otherwise, I can't explain why they would keep them on.

    We've heard that it is costing Baylor close to $100,000.00 per month, just to maintain it as is.

  3. I've been to it, and let me tell you that it is great! Whenever I'm in Boston, I make sure and visit a Qdoba each time. There was briefly one in Katy, TX actually. I blinked and it was gone. I only got a chance to visit it a few times. I'm glad to see that they opened one up in Cypress. It is far from me, but I will definitely make a stop at Qdoba before or after my visits to the outlets.

  4. Many of you are probably aware that absinthe has been legal here in the United States since March 2007 after decades of being banned in 1912. I am looking for some absinthe here in Houston.

    I've never tried absinthe, but I just came from a one week vacation in Europe and didn't get a chance to try it while I was there. I know that Spec's downtown carries Lucid and Kubler 53, and Kubler 53 seems to be the better one of the two. Does anyone know of any other place that sells absinthe? Also, is there any absinthe that is recommended other than the two I mentioned?

  5. Thank you fellow HAIfers for all your support as I have been embarking on the road to business ownership!

    Well, BerriBlends is NOW OPEN!!! We are locally owned and locally inspired!

    Bring the family by this Sunday, 2-6 PM for our grand opening celebration. There will be a moonwalk, giant slide, face painting, balloon animals, crafts, and of course REFRESHING frozen yogurt and CREAMY cappuccinos. Activities are all free, along with lots of free samples, and a portion of sales will benefit Travis High Schools' DECA program.

    We are easy to find and located just in front of Waterside Estates off Hwy 99. Visit our website www.berriblends.com for more information and a quick map.

    Sounds good. I will have to check it out!

  6. Has anyone been to the Kroger at Echo Lane? It is really needing to be remodeled. After hurricane Ike, they had a sewage smell in the freezer section that stayed there for weeks.

    Do any of you think that Kroger will remodel anytime soon now that HEB is open on Bunker Hill?

    I live very close to it, but HEB now has my business unless Kroger makes any changes. I feel kind of bad though considering I've gone there for many years.

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  7. You're looking at it a bit idealistically. You can't afford your house, that is why you have a mortgage. The concept of affordability has changed from what you can buy, to what you can afford the monthly payments on. Great, you can afford the monthly payments on your house, and in the long run, you'll have paid the price for it three times over. That is getting screwed.

    You're right, banks don't make you buy things. That is a societal thing, and believe it or not, we are all ingrained with it. Unless you take the bus or ride a bike everywhere, you've bought things you don't need and can't afford to buy.

    I am not surprised that you don't consider financing getting screwed. It is the modern paradigm of buying. Especially considering most things (save for groceries) are too expensive to pay for cash (homes, cars, electronics, furniture, etc).

    people that are not homeowners are either living with a friend or family member or they are renting. renting=paying into someone else's equity. Why pay into someone else's equity? the average person cannot pay for a house without getting a mortgage. getting a mortgage doesn't screw you. you screw yourself by either paying into someone else's equity or by getting a house that is over your budget.

    unfortunately, taking the bus or riding a bike isn't as easy in Houston as it is in other cities such as New York or Boston. that's a whole other topic though

  8. There wasn't a forum called "Way WAY Off Topic" or "This has no business being posted on HAIF," so I settled for this one.


    Anyone know this dance? LOL, I doubt it. (Fast forward towards the end to see the dance in full, w/o instructional interruptions)

    But I just thought it would be fun to challenge everyone on here to learn it, then post it on here for us all to see and enjoy...or laugh at. (You could even choose to dress up or wear a mask to conceal your true identity ;)


    I unashamedly admit I learned it, sort of. It's fun.

    that song is just as ghetto as Lil' Mama's "Lip Gloss" song :lol: I love it

  9. I saw two billboards with the phrase, "Banks Hate Us."

    What does that mean? What are they advertising? I saw one of the billboards before taking the downtown destinations exit on i-10. I think the other one might have been off of 290.

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