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Posts posted by galvbabe

  1. B) I just entered this forum. I am a native Texan and I am not a youngester! I really get tired of this.

    Dallas and Houston for some unknown reason has always had this little fued going own. Which is better? Once telling a lady, I knew from Dallas, that I had the impression that people in Dallas, thought they were better than us. She replied, that they were raised to think that. That she herself thought that, until she moved here.

    Houston grew up as an industrial city. It is now , just as soficated, finanicial, fashion centered and technological as any other major city. It has one of the worlds, most reknowned medical centers, art center, museums and of course "NASA".

    Dallas began with cattle and dirt farmers (some of my family among them). Each city's ancestors fought for the state's independence from Mexico. We each have kids fighting in Iraq now. So what does it matter?

    I was born on Galveston Island and have lived in both Houston and Dallas area for many years.

    People say "Dallas" skyline and they are speaking about Las Collians other surrounding towns. Dallas does have a fairly nice entry with the hills, while Houston has a nice entry with the skyscrapers at night. This buildings are truely in Houston!

    Dallas has dry humidity, Houston has wet humidity. The weather changes a lot faster in Dallas area than in the Houston area. I've seen it go from 70 in the AM to 30 in the PM with snow on the ground. I lived there for 22 years. Houston has hurricans and flooding due to over building. I really don't think there is much of a difference between the two.

    With the exception of one daughter-in-law, we are all native Texans from our great-great-grandparents down. Native Texans are like a large family, we may argue and fight among ourselves, but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, we stick together. It's an attitude. You have to have lived in the state at least 20 years, before you are consider a "Texan" by us! That's being generous. Even more, you have to have the feeling of being "A Texan" to the point where you won't move anywhere else. Not just a resident. You have to love the state inspite of or because of it's every changing weather, bugs, terrain and people to be a True Texan.

    So, to sum it up, I wouldn't trade any of them, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio and all the little places in between and it doesn't matter which is newer or looks better. It's all Texas and I love it.

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