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Posts posted by sunspot

  1. When I moved to Houston with my BF (now Husband of 45 years) we used to shop at the Sage Store Beechnut & 610. They had a pretty good camera department.One day there was a bird loose and I had my camera handy.

    SAGE Chicken 03.jpg

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  2. Believe me, the neighborhood has very watchful eyes on this. I hope one of the trees going is not the in the one in the old building courtyard. Think of how many kids that tree greeting every morning.

    But that's the POINT it IS the big one that was in the courtyard. They claim they have to cut down that one to save the others [and get in all those sports fields]

    Has anyone heard if they are going to just keep that old incinerator chimney? They didn't tear it down because endangered Chimey Sweep (birds) migrated there. It pretty much looks like it's incorporated into the building, except the brick doesn't match.

    They are keeping the chimney and we are happy about that.

    I am heading out there this morning to take pictures in the rain and tie a yellow ribbon on the tree.

  3. Bellaire Examiner is reporting today that they are planning to cut down several large trees including the gigantic live oak that stands in the middle of the property.

    According to the Advisory board this is necessary to avoid cutting down '30' others.

    Here is the quote from the paper - "By sacrificing two trees, we saved 30 other trees and the view. It also maximized green space. The benefit of laying out the fields in this way, where the backstop is against the school is that the neighbors will be looking at trees not bleachers"

    As stated in the paper I can see that these people were grappling with tough decisions, but seeing the space available around Pershing, I feel that some better compromise could have been made.

    I would much rather have seen the decision read something like "By sharing a ___ field and a ____ field, they were able to preserve 31 trees including the 80 year old live oak for the benefit of those middle school students who care about history and the environment as well as sports.

    The problem is that these sports fields are SO precious that the committee was probably not given the choice to eliminate one or reduce it. They will be putting in a baseball field, a softball field, a football/soccer field, and a walking trail.

    I am trying hard to be fair here, but this decision makes me cry.

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