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Posts posted by yall_are_nutty

  1. Can someone tell me what is being done to clean up our air?

    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are precursors of ozone. Since 1980, the number of ozone exceedance days in the Houston CMSA has fallen about 40 percent even as the population grew by 50 percent, largely through reductions in man-made VOCs.

    Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

    The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, the largest mass transit company in Texas, uses the latest in clean-burning fuels for its entire fleet of 1,460 buses as one step in a plan to control emissions.

    Source: Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County

    The Houston-Galveston region had nearly 260 tons of NOx reductions last year as a result of private and public entities utilizing alternative fuel vehicles in their fleets.

    Source: Houston-Galveston Area Council

  2. I think the Woodlands isn't for everyone. However, It's definitely got a more high end areas than Sugarland, etc ($1million plus). But, it also has lower income areas, too. That was the original point of the Woodlands. I think the problem is that $350k doesn't buy much in the Woodlands compared to the other areas you're referring to.

  3. I usually just sit back and laugh at many of the comments some of you guys say about Dallas, but man I have to respond to this.  Everytime someone with good intentions has something to say no matter what the topic is you have to turn it around and start leashing out against Dallas. This is a very false isolated judgement of Dallas.  Yes you can find this here, by no means is it the majority.  Everytime I come down to Houston to visit my family, I am surrounded by his neighbors living in a middle class neighborhood that pass judgement have very superficial conversations involving their newest "toys" or cars or where they are vacationing trying to 'one up' each other.  My point is you get that stuff NO MATTER where you go.  It is a naul point to pretend this is isolated to Dallas or is prevalent to Dallas.  The one exception I have seen to this is visting Knoxville, TN to see some family or knowing the people in the NE and Chicago.  I grew up in Chicago and here in Dallas, moved off for college, lived in NYC, have family in Houston and Atlanta. Come to your senses, you are doing no good talking about such stuff and is what feeds this bashing and leashing out.  Go to the Dallas forum or come here for a visit, get to know the people, and you do not see such outcry of immaturity or slashing. I feel sorry for you passing such harsh judgements.  This is why every one of these threads where there is a comparison of Dallas to Houston gets shuts down, and in probably a day or two this will be yet another.  You can not help but lend yourself to trying to make someone else look bad, THAT is the classic sign of inferiority.

    LOL. I like Dallas. I've lived there almost my entire life!

  4. the biggest difference between dallas and houston is cultural......

    this has changed somewhat as much of dallas is now inhabited by people not from this area, but the old culture still lingers. small towney, shallow, materialistic, extreme self consciousness and inferiority complex, bible belty, small mindedness, social legalism, etc. etc.. picture someone in a small town high school getting up and worrying every morning about exactly what they'll wear or say or how they'll act and false image they need to project in order to be in the "in" crowd.. that is dallas.

    now, the vast majority of you who read this are young, hip folks and you're probably totally unaware of this culture...... that's good. maybe it will die out someday. there are countless articles describing this in various ways. if you're older and you've lived in Dallas for a long time (10-20 years) and then lived elsewhere, you probably know what I'm talking about.

    also, those of you from dallas who think this is some houston problem with bashing dallas. LOLOL. you have not lived in dallas long enough or you are too young. that's great that the younger set doesn't have the knee jerk sneer at Houston that prevailed for decades. (lots of reasons for this, too boring to go into) mind you, older rich Dallasites tend to love Houston as most rich people i've met tend to. (they all have fond memories from the 70s).

  5. Beautiful? Oh hell yes......the scenery is right up there with the Amalfi Coast, the Swiss Alps and Big Sur.......

    Wait, you mean the buildings? Oh Hell yes. Paris, San Francisco, Dallas... all interchangeable baby......

    Just kidding obviously.....Clean and new? A lot of Dallas fits that description. Nice? Compared to a lot of cities, yes. Interesting? Somewhat. Fun? Sure can be. Beautiful? Come on now. A lot of Dallas is damn ugly, particularly in the winter.

    ps. i live in dallas so i can say this....?

  6. I think the bridges will be nice. I think the total Trinity River Project will be a nice improvement. I sort of doubt the Trinity River Project will be anything close to the hype you hear from Laura Miller. My guess is that it will be a large green space that will attract people inititally and then become just another park that most people will not feel safe attending. Hopefully it will be more than that. I doubt it though.

  7. Sorry folks, but the Woodlands is a nice place to live. It ain't for everybody......... but if you want to find the best suburbs then go to a forum like this and find the ones that get the most negative chatter........

    people who are pro-urban, pro-city, etc...are always quick to dismiss or downplay the Woodlands and RARELY offer the same dismissive commentary about any of the other gazillion suburbs around Houston that are much much worse than the Woodlands. it's human nature...........i don't rip on guys who my wife has no interest in, but i might get a tad jealous if she cozies up to brad pitt...

    and all the people actually steering folks away from the Woodlands to Kingwood (which i noticed a while back) is downright goofy. it's the same type of community except the Woodlands is so much better on so many levels.. if you haven't actually lived there, it's difficult to know what all the place has to offer....

  8. LOL. Naw, people had very low expectations of Houston so you had a little bashing at the beginning, but that was outweighed substantially by positive articles, comments, etc.. The media and the fans all had a great time so they were happy and so pleasantly surprised at Houston.

    I think downtown had over 150,000 people down there several nights in a row. Much of it was blocked off for huge parties, etc. Many compared it to Bourbon St. There were pics in some old threads. Anyway, it was pretty crazy all over town. Difficult to get into bars, parties everywhere, celebrities, etc.

    Houston has a lot more energy than Jacksonville since it's so much bigger. Plus Houstonians know how to throw parties and put on a show.

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