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Posts posted by utdeveloper

  1. Pointing out the problems IS a part of the solution. The right either fails to admit there are problems or generally blames them on individuals and tells them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

    As for Boston's racist reputation, shove it honky. :)

    If you have such a big problem with the way the area is being developed...go do something about it. This land (Ned Holmes tract) has been on the market for quite sometime. Actually, it sold for under market value. I am tired of hearing people complain, but aren't willing to put there butt on the line. Rohe & Wright, one of the developers is putting up the money, and as long as they are following city code...your complaints aren't going to be heard. Sorry, money talks...

  2. I'm not sure why people get so excited over projects like this. This is basically a mall with the roof taken off. It's surrounded by a huge parking lot and subdivision all around. This does not increase density in anyway. There are projects like this all over suburban Los Angeles. The only "town center" in Houston that makes sense would probably be the one in Sugar Land. At least it is making the most use out of it's land by having residential and office space on top of retail and using parking garages instead of parking lots.

    Market Square...The Woodlands?

  3. uh, you know morgan is a merchant builder and has never sold a houston deal to a converter, right?

    also, you will not see apartments being converted into condos in 3 - 5 years. those days are behind us.


    Morgan will not sell, it is not in their business model. Should they, maybe...only time will tell. But it isn't going to happen.

    On to the Metropole. They are converting the Tower(already exists) and building a Mid-Rise/Apartment complex that will be next door. Below is the website...


  4. Any updates on this project?

    First off, the four story building is being built by the Morgan Group and I believe opened up today. Their rents are starting off around $1.56 psf and will be rising. It is for rent only and I don't see it being converted to condos.

    Metropole seems to be moving along as planned. I live around the corner and will update when something substantial happens.

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