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Posts posted by Melwood

  1. You really need to learn to speak less in absolutes...

    ...the Heights is appreciating rapidly not because it is "historic" but because its become a nice, safe area of town that is also an easy commute. It has nothing to do with the "historic" aspect at all.

    Hey, I thought we weren't supposed to speak in absolutes. I have a problem with this assertion - I understand that it takes a lot more than "historic" buildings to create a massive run-up in prices - case in point the fifth ward - but to say it has "nothing" to do with the Height's appreciation is outlandish. I guess all those people who did buy and restore bungalows had no idea why they liked their houses. I can say for certain that my wife and I, and various other friends of ours in the Heights, made a point of buying houses here over the last 10 years because of the historic aspect (among the usual other reasons to be sure). I understand not everyone feels this way when they buy in the Heights. I'm OK with that. I'm just saying that the "historic" aspect is indeed important to a lot of people.

    I fear this thread has become the equivalent of a red state/blue state knock-down drag out argument where one must take sides - radical preservationist or realtor-tool opportunist. It seems to be bringing out the worst in otherwise knowledgable and engaging people.

    And while I have the soapbox, Heights Homeowner, I invite you to stop by Proctor Park in Norhill on a warm sunny afternoon after school and see all the kids and families there. You might be surprised how many families can and do raise kids in these small homes.

  2. EDIT: I can't help but notice that Heights Yankee went silent, probably dodging the simple yes/no question.

    With all due respect Niche, she already gave your question a thoughtful answer, and surely has other important things to attend to today besides endlessly debating this topic that has captured all of our attention - ease up on snark already.

  3. And then became a bunch of townhomes.

    Both Bavarian Gardens & Garden in the Heights were lovely places for shows. I'm sure I saw Brave Combo at an Oktoberfest or two. After the Germans sold it, some Irish folks ran it for a while; pretty good folk & Celtic rock shows, with lovely live oaks to shade the pale folk. And beer!

    And I seem to remember a Pacifica benefit, at which a full grown billy goat was auctioned off to some fool....

    Wait! Garden in the Heights isn't there anymore? Who is responsible for this? That's just wrong.

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  4. Would you be annoyed with me if I thought that was a good thing?

    With a baby and/or small child along in the car, going into a coffee place and waiting in line becomes an undertaking rather than a pleasant diversion. I also think it would be nice if they'd put in a drive-thru.

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