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Posts posted by LesterTheLester

  1. Here is another review of Karen Mayer Cunningham that was put on Yelp. com


    Having failed in stand-up comedy and marriage counseling, Karen turned to the world of special education theatre. The driving force behind her business model is advertising on Facebook as well as attacking special education teachers and assessment staff in IEP meetings. I've worked with her for years and I know how she and other so-called special education advocates operate.

    Karen bad mouths school staff in IEP meeting to impress the needy, uninformed, unstable, distraught or confused parent. She puts up a front to show how "ruthless" she can be, that she will "fight for your child's right to a free and appropriate public education". In actuality these are all platitudes. It's all a joke and she does not really care one ounce. In essence Karen channels a parent's irrational ire towards the special education staff.

    What the parents don't know is Karen and the special education administrators secretly have private conversations away from the IEP meetings. They both agree ahead of time to allow Karen to harass the employees, and they go to meetings to allow Karen to attack the school staff and teachers. The administrators then come in and say things like "Oh we will give you this and that now, Mr. and Mrs. Confused and Angry Parent. This was a bad teacher/SLP/school psychologist/occupational therapist". Then Karen gets to look like the hero to the parents. In turn the administrators get to look like a hero to their school board and superintendent for not letting the IEP meeting go to Due Process and costing the district an arm and a leg. The consequence for such recklessness? Teachers and other staff end up quitting due to the frustration of extra needless bureaucracy and the blame game. That's why there are always shortages of special education staff. Staff go through the endless loop of Recycle, Reuse, Repeat. The cycle continues and nothing of merit actually changes. Karen and the school administration knows the things she pushes for is complete nonsense, but will do anything to feed her desire for validation and to feel important and needed.

    But every once in a while the schools fight back and don't allow the Karens of the world to screw around. Case in point is this legal decision where Conroe ISD called Karen out on her mess and took it all the way to a Due Process Hearing.


    In the end "Special education boss" Karen Mayer Cunningham got wrecked and laughed out of court when they showed that what she pushes for all the time is without merit. Her usual (fake) gripes are about placement, eligibility, IEEs, and services.

    Regardless, Conroe ISD lost a ton of money on legal fees defending what was right. The deck is truly stacked against schools in this lopsided world, and the ones who end up losing are the school staff and the students.

    But the Conroe ISD Due Process case is extremely rare and out of the ordinary. Business as usual for schools are pseudo-contentious IEP meetings where Karen gets the satisfaction of giving an appearance that she was a catalyst for change. The school administrators on the other hand get to save the school from exorbitant legal fees. They're really in on it together and both could not care less about the school staff or the special needs students.

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