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Posts posted by REALaw

  1. innerlooped has some bad news on this http://innerlooped.c...news-for-bagby/

    Email response from PWE Director, 6/21/2012:

    Thank you for writing with your concern. Unfortunately, the anonymously offered blog entry is highly inaccurate. The Public Works and Engineering Dept has recently addressed project issues to the entity responsible for the project, the Midtown Redevelopment Authority in conjunction with TIRZ 2, regarding the conformance of the already constructed and proposed improvements with the City’s Major Thoroughfare and Freeway Plan. These issues can be readily addressed by the project’s sponsor with minor revisions to the project. With such revisions the project can conform with the Plan and yet provide for vehicular mobility, pedestrian mobility, and use of street space for parking, overall still fulfilling the project purpose. Such revisions need not be cause for delay, reconstruction, or significant additional expenditures.

    We appreciate your interest in these public improvements and thank you for sending your thoughts.
  2. Underground utilities aren't a magic bullet. My husband works for a tv station and he says there are still neighborhoods with underground utilites without power. When I lived in Katy, with underground utilities, my power and cable when out regulary for long periods of time, even without a storm.

    More than likely the power into your subdivision comes from above ground lines. As the saying goes, we are only as strong as our weakest link. If your supply lines had also been underground, the chances of you losing power would be greatly diminished.

    If the ditch digging and electrical contractors were smart (and I'm sure they are), they would start lobbying NOW for buried lines.

  3. The cost to do this would be significant, but the Chron's article today supports the fact that there is cost in everything...in the present case, reconstruction. The hundreds of millions that will be spent in repairs could've been better spent in undergrounding the lines in the beginning.

    Ike could increase power bills for years to come

    Houston customers may have to help cover electricity grid repairs


  4. do you understand that there has to be a certain time that lights remain green? the lights don't change instantaneously because a vehicle is there.

    Umm. Yes I DO realize that, and I don't expect them to. However, what is the point in sitting at an red light, when no other cars are passing through the intersection, waiting for a complete 4-light cycle, or waiting for the turn signals when no one is in the turn lanes??

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