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Posts posted by kirbyaustex

  1. S. Congress is getting better. An old two-storey office building at Riverside has been turned into shops and restaurants (FREEBIRDS!), the Texas School for the Deaf has finished reconstructing the wall of their property that faces the street, an old auto repair shop at Academy is being converted into a bar and/or restaurant, an empty shop next to Texas French Beard is now Farm to Market grocery, and Vespaio is turning the old Rock N Roll Rentals into an Italian bakery and market. The Guero's guy (I can't remember his name) is turning the Capitol Car Credit car lot next to his restaurant in a mix-use with retail, offices, and residences with the Bloundin Creek NA's blessing. I like this one. The owner is sometimes good. In this case he is good. In others he is not. Like in 2000 when he lead the effort against lightrail on Congress. It just missed passing by 500 votes. We would already have it up and running now. C'est la Vie. South Congress Baptist Church is a huge eyesore. They also own the full block of gravel parking lot next to them. They won't sell it either. They'll probably end up paving it for better parking conditions in the future. That one is really sad, because it could do so much for the street and surrounding neighborhoods. It's just gonna take time. Things like this often move at a glacial pace in Austin.

  2. That's pretty much all true. Except, from my personnal and extensive experience with the arts and entertainment arenas in Austin, I would say that they are very eclectic. It's all perceptive anyway. I think that if changed out inner Austin and inner loop Houston, no one would really notice. They have a very similar feel. They're both kickass.

  3. Thank you. I some times react the same way. But now when I encounter those people in Austin, or anywhere for that matter, I start in on 'em. I make them tell me why they think the way they do about Houston. 9 times out of 10, they don't know. It's just something that they've heard about Houston without any first person experience. Then I will bring up Houston in ever conservation I ever have with them. It doesn't always work, but a good many of those people have told me that I have helped to change there minds about Houston. It's one person at a time. I've some times think of myself as Houston's unoffical goodwill ambassador in Austin.

  4. WestGrayGuy: It's your opinion, but it's just as misinformed as AlcazarSypder04's opinion. There is no need to bash Austin just because AS04 bashed Houston. It's not Austin's fault that AS04 likes Austin and is a dick. If you ever find any place boring, it's because you just don't know where to go find the right entertainment. There is not one day on my calendar that doesn't have at the least three things that I want to go do or see. Austin absolutely appeals to every age group, not just college students. If you're a college student, you're gonna go to 6th. That's just where you go. The over twenty-five and gay crowds go to the Warehouse District on the west side of Congress. It's much more upscale and adult. There aren't police on every corner waiting for a fight to break out like on 6th. The lake is fun, but not all the time...unless you are a lakerat. Lakerats love their lakes. They go constantly, or live there. Sure there's not as many museums as Houston. Houston is considerably larger than Austin, and also has a whole hell of a lot more people and organizations with the money to get and support those museums. Austin does have the Harry Ransom Center, the LBJ Library, and the Blanton Museum among others. Like Houston, there is a resident symphony, ballet, and opera. There are also just too many theaters to even count. There will be change in Austin, but that doesn't mean that we can't try to presevre some of the city's past and natural beauty. The highways and streets in Austin have traffic, but what city doesn't. The fact that are aren't a lot of highways in Austin is beginning to help the city in its efforts to get more mix-use and infill developement with better mass transit. Lemons to lemonaide. But, there are some tollways under construction now, and soon there will be many more. With sports, why would Austin ever need a professional sports team. Who wants billionaire owners swindling taxpayer money for stadiums that they are gonna want replaced or renovated in five years time, or millionaire players who play child's game, gets paid unbelievable money, and somehow still complains about it. If someone in Austin wants professional sports, there are at least ten teams within a three hour drive (Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio). UT sports kickass. No matter the season of the year, there is always a team to support. The football team is top 5 ranked and men's baseball won the College World Series this year. I wish the Astros would win a World Series (it's Roger's last chance for a home town win). Hey, and there's no danger of UT getting up and leaving if it didn't get enough money to stay in town. Houston does get the short end of the stick on all too many occasions (and that just infuriates me to no end), but it's no reason to take it out on Austin. I just wish I could live in both places at once.

  5. Ohio State University is just under 51,000 students, but it is the largest university in the country according to Wikipedia.com. UT has set a cap of 48,000 students. UT will accomplish this by decreasing its incoming freshman class sizes over the next few years.

  6. Solution: Don't build any more of them on new or expanded highways. A couple of sessions ago, the Lege had a bill that would have stop all feeders on future highways (new or expanded). Well, a bunch of monster companies went apeshit because they didn't think they could get customers without them. Which is total BS. Walmart, Target, Chili's, McDonald's, etc. do just fine in every other place in the world that doesn't have feeders. So, they sent in their lobbists. It was then watered down to something about how many driveway access points there could be on a feeder. I believe even that was killed. The old ones on already expanded would be a problem. I'm sure some smart people could get together and think of something to fill their space. Maybe wooded buffers or rail lines.

  7. I dream of the day that Houston has a problem with too many pedestrians on its streets. With more pedestrians comes more stores and restaurants, so don't worry about the business men. The ones in suits can usually take as long as they want for lunch. If you're hourly, you bring your lunch or you get fastfood.

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