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Cat Baloo

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Posts posted by Cat Baloo

  1. You jogged my memory of long lost favorite haunts like The Great Caruso on Westheimer. Sadly it burned down. Great food, entertainment and fabulous old bar.  Casablanca was a Moroccan restaurant with food served on large brass platters.  A unique place not for everyone but it was a fun night out for my husband and I.  Also The Ratskeller, down in a basement of I think The Houston House...can't remember for sure.  

  2. On 5/5/2008 at 7:41 PM, IronTiger said:

    Given that the area restaurant guide came out relatively recently, I'd like to take this time to have discussions of old restaurants. Here are a few:

    Tuscany's: The Gelato place closed down and is replaced by some sign of a karate guy kicking! What happened? :o

    The abandoned steakhouse on Texas Ave.: You've always seen it...it's the one with the tepees and the vine-coated sign, between Kroger and Wal-Mart...but what is it?

    Defunct Post Oak Mall Eateries: According to an insert when Post Oak Mall opened, Chick-fil-A and Corn Dog 7 opened as well as the following eateries: Funnel Cakery, Giovanni's, The Great Hot Dog Experience, Ken Martins Chicken Fried Steak (looks like that venture didn't go too well), Peanut Shack (it's actually a candy and nut shop that still seems to exist in forgotten places), Pepe's, Potatoes Etc., Salad Bartique (that is how it's spelled), Seafood Shoppe, and Sesame Hut.

    Also, McDonald's, Orange Julius, and Subway had presence as well.

    Swenson's was also in it, as well as the now-defunct location near Los Cucos. I believe it closed Dec. 2005 but I could be wrong. The ice cream there (as well as the clown ice creams) were awesome!

    I wasn't sad to see Pancho's (where Los Cucos is now) go. Pancho's had these creepy sun masks all against the wall. They gave me nightmares!

    T-Bone Jones was a sad loss, but you couldn't find it unless you were looking for it after they redid University.

    Tom's BBQ I have a menu of, but I never ate there.

    That's all I can think of for now...anyone know of these places/have restaurants they knew of too/etc. etc.?


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