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Posts posted by Esther

  1. You are right there, lockmat. We as a nation are getting fatter and fatter, and we are slowly killing ourselves. It's just unfortunate that with so many solutions staring us in the face, so few people are actually going to do anything about it. 

  2. Can't say that I have experienced that in my life, but from what I see on the television, I think that was a really great era and the ones that got to experience it in all it's splendor are truly lucky.

  3. 5 hours ago, Hastings said:

    Let's see.........bats or mosquitoes. I don't like those choices, is there another alternative that flies?


    Talk about choosing the lesser of two evils. Like......... Trump or Clinton?

    LOL. That is the first time I've heard Trump and Clinton being compared to bats and mosquitoes but I can see how you got to that comparison. 

  4. :D That is so funny! This is a really great idea to have a thread just for jokes. We could all do with a bit of humor in our lives especially these days when life just seems like a race that you can never win. 

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