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railroad rae

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Posts posted by railroad rae

  1. OH how i wish the fraternity would sell it to someone who could restore the property! It's one of only about SIX homes in "Riverside sections 5" that are still standing!!!! I can only imagine the crazy things that I fear go on in there......It's unbelievable that so many mansions around the park have been demolished without a second thought. The scariest thing of all is that, if i am correct, only the 2400-2500 block of calumet has minimum lot size, so technically a builder could build a crazy high rise anywhere on Riverside Drive, Binz, or N and S Calumet. What a risk...

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    Check out our Facebook page "daddy daughter demo" if your interested in seeing what we've been up to inside 2522 calumet. I post a lot about what we are up to and a lot of the problems we encounter while renovating historical homes. PLEASE LIKE IT IF YOU WANT TO STAY IN THE RIVERSIDE RENO LOOP!!  And just a fun tid bit: there's even a video on our page of us finding baby raccoons inside a soffit in our garage apartment!





    To 9075,

    When I was researching the history of my home I also came across information that implied there was a governess and grounds keeper that lived in the garage apartment when the home was first built. However, our house is on the south side of the street; its a shame because I would LOVE to find someone who could fill me in on the fist owners and occupants of my house! 



  3. Our home at 2522 Calumet is nearly done and we can't wait to have a block party in October to celebrate! Thanks to everyone who's dropped by to say hello and welcome us into the area. 


    On another subject, specifically having to do with Calumet street; I have personally almost run into vehicles parked along the side of the road near the intersection of 288 and calumet in front of the town homes. When your on the service road and you veer right to turn onto calumet, there are always cars parked precariously close to the intersection in the second lane on the far right. It is straight up DANGEROUS. Not only that, but when cars are parked on both sides of the street only one car can get down the whole street at a time. 


    WOULD THE 2400-2500 BLOCK OF CALUMET LIKE OR DISLIKE PERMITTED PARKING?? I had permitted parking on my old street and we loved it. It discouraged thieves, and helped keep traffic/accidents to a minimum. Also, the street just looks a lot more inviting and pretty if everyone simply uses their driveways and garages. 


    THOUGHTS, COMMENTS???? Ill do all the leg work and get the signatures, i just need to know if the residents are with me on this or if i am going to hit a brick wall! Also, if you want to help, let me know.

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    My father and i have been actively trying to save as many third ward homes (and their ORIGINAL features) as we can. We've done 2618 Rosewood, 2417 Blodgett, 2906 Ruth, 6670 sylvan & 6223 Jefferson (those two were in the second ward but needed desperate attention...), and now, most exciting of all, we will be restoring 2522 calumet and MY family will be moving into that one! It's to special to sell to anyone else. Feel free to pop in if you see my dad and I working over there and introduce yourselves! 


    -Rachel Paxton

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