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Posts posted by Jason

  1. Hello, My wife and I are considering buying a home in Albury Manor. We love the house, but have been discouraged on the area by the realtor. Someone else also engouraged to drive by the property at night, and did, but are not quite sure what the problem was. We are concerned about the fact that 6 of 45 houses are for sale in the neighborhood, but feel that Tomball is a growing area. Also, 5 of those houses are for sale by Hendricks Interest, who was the original developer of the neighborhood. Also, the tax assesments for the area has gone down in 2005, which seems to be the opposite from the rest of harris county. Any information would be very helpful.


    Jason Small

  2. Will be moving back to Houston in two weeks after 22 years in LAS VEGAS .Vegas has become the ____ magnet of the united states smog , a dried up lake and you cant wash yor car in your own driveway,300 dollar power bills for 1600 sgft house and 150dollar water bills for a30x30 patch of grass.Loooking up north memorial northwest and so forth have found a home thats interesting in albury manor ,dont care about the comute ,dont want to live in the woodlands, so whats the scoop?????????////


    We are looking at a house in Albury Manor, but are concerned with the number of houses for sale in the neighborhood. Can you tell us any information you were able to find out about the subdivision?

    Thanks, Jason Small

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