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Posts posted by hisd

  1. mollusk. that's the point about hisd school administrators.   We pay .way to much with nothing to show for it academically.


    local  employers and current employees  will move elsewhere to obtain qualified new-hires.


    this increases the property tax on homeowners placing a unsustainable tax burden particularly on the retired/elderly


    Houston will become another Detroit  after employers move  to  other counties or out of state


    homeowners @ employers pay ore to hisd tan all other tax authorities combined


    when are you going to place our students and community ahead of hisd administrators .




  2. multi-disciplinary approach is the use of sociologist, physiologist as well as education


    education covers the mechanics of teaching to a student,  who is hypothetically speaking,  physically/sociologically/physiologically which is necessary for a effective classroom environment


    just as you cant fill a broken pitcher on a tossing ship you cant effectively instruct the child


    most of these positive or negative factors occur  off campus and therefore ignored by hisd administrators


     negative factors can be mitigated to a certain extent but  hisd administrators refuse to do so.  mitigating negative factors would result in superior academic performance  resulting in a lower budget.   one example of administrators gaming the system 


    in a recent Houston chronicle a director of texas association of business stated the grading of schools is not based on the students

    immediate ability to successfully enter any  endeavor following post-secondary education.  another example of gaming the system


    texas raised the minimum age for the GED from 16 to 18 even though most intuitions in the following sectors  accept the GED; military, apprenticeship programs, technical schools.  hisd administrators and others urged this age increase in the attempt to keep studnets in hisd's chairs  for the revenue.  gaming the system again. 


    GED exam is a difficult exam as reported to me by military recruiters in texas.  most texas students/hs grads fail the military written exams while the failure rate for GED holders is almost nonexistent


    what will you do for our students and teachers at the expense of our poor little administrators ??



  3. hisd trustee proposed staggered start times for class to save transportation cost [wrong reason right idea]


    testimony is as follows in hearing


    10th grade student in favor as it was in line with physiology sleep studies proving older the student require later start time


    mothers against it as it was inconvenient


    two hisd principles testified it would interfere with football practice


    hisd trustees tabled it even though it would lower cost but more importantly academic students would be asleep  during first two hours of class.  so that a few football players could practice and mothers could use the cmpus as a juvenile detention facility


    as for nutrition,  physiology and sociology,  it is unassailable a child raised in a sole physical custody household will statistically be low income subsequent to poor nutrition which of course affects academics.


    sociology comes into play as same gender classroom instruction is both legal under phase two of no child left behind AND reduces disciplinary issues.  much has been made of the classroom disciplinary to jail issue yet hisd has done nothing to implement same gender classroom instruction.  Note;  same gender classroom instruction may be accomplished with a male academy and female academy on the same physical campus.  no change of zoned school for registered child based upon residence address.  unfortunately publicity has erroneously revolved around the entire campus being one gender  rather than one gender classroom.  


    as for north forest isd,  hisd VOLUBTARILY  annexed the district.  hisd was the second worst district in harris county, WOULDN'T effectively mange the existing district, and wanted more money per student front federal/state sources. with the annexation


    the PRIMARY DIREXTIVE of texas public education isn't efficient education but rather revenue stream per student.   that isn't the poiunt of rdf id tags.   the total numbers of students on campus ground but not in class is   to justify administrators argument for x-amount per student on campus.   it isn't about effective education its bout  revenue stream


    hisd administrators game the system as monst government agency employees do for their own benefit t the expense of the children, the community, the property owner, and the employer who leaves Houston for failure to obtain qualified emplyees thereby unnecessarily increasing  the tax burden on the homeowner



  4. the beauty of a texas education if  what you assert is correct


    tax rate R  may be lower in harris county but the highest  median value V  is in Houston. (R x V) = hisd squandered dollars


    north forest isd had the lowest academic rating until until hisd annexed them  for more funds per student from federal/state sources.


    hisd spends more and accomplishes than almost all texas school districts

  5. Many comments regarding property  VALUE  but never the 9-12 tax authorities RATE particularly HISD's rate

      RATE  X   VALUE =  property tax DUE.


    Everyone hammers hcad,   deservedly so,  who are in charge of Value  ONLY.   No onme hammers  hisd tax rate which results in more tax revenue from most property owners than all other tax authorities combined.    


    hisd's  Rate is ALLEGEDLY necessary to meet BUDGET REQUIREMENTS.  hisd budget requirement are a RESULT of   administrators DELIBERATE  INEFFICIENCY and GAMING OF THE SYSTEM resulting in unnecessarily EXORBITANT budget and RATE.    Unfortunately for Houston children and property owners Trustees are answerable to the Administrators in practice not the law.  


    Texas Constitution requires public education to be "EFFICIENT".    hisd  administrators refuse to be efficient with  VOLUNTARY assistance of hisd TRUSTTES thereby  ROBBING  CHILDREN and  tax payers  of  RIGHTS and MONEY. 


    Administrator's motive for this?  Easy.   Personal gain.   Failure to meet  ACADEMIC goals IS ALWAYS  laid at the feet of TEACHERS[quality] and LEGISLATURE[money] by administrators.    Administrators CREATE inefficiency  by  REFUSING to adopt multi-disciplinary approach necessary for effective and efficient  classroom environment


    Multi-disciplinary approach in the classroom is as effective as in health care.    Administrator's refuse to adopt the disciplines of  physiology and sociology  disciplines necessary for efficient classroom instruction.  Administrator's  PRIME DIRECTIVE is to avoid RESPONSIBILITY  for academic failure subsequent to loss of  income and benefits.         


    WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO FOR CHILDREN and TEACHERS at the expense of poor little administrator  ??? 

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