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Posts posted by HoustonSpurs

  1. 46 minutes ago, Triton said:

    I don't know... I actually kind of dislike this view of Houston. Terrible description but it just looks old, boxy, and boring.


    I quite like it, looks quite dense.  It would be better if is was taken later in the year from that angle. There's a lot of brown trees due to the time of year it was taken!

    • Like 2
  2. 12138554_649022888533651_910603131715728



    (Katy, Texas) October 8, 2015 – The City of Katy is pleased to announce that the Katy Development Authority has taken a key step forward in the development of the Boardwalk District (as shown in the accompanying rendering) by entering into an agreement with Sueba USA Corporation for the development of a 22-acre parcel located adjacent to Katy Mills Mall. Sueba USA Corporation intends to use the parcel to construct a high quality mixed-use development consisting of loft living space, retail and restaurant facilities, and a public plaza. Sueba USA Corporation’s development will be a strong addition to the Boardwalk District which will also include a convention center, hotel, and restaurant row, all anchored by an 89-acre nature park with a central lake, boardwalks, nature preserves, and a 2-mile walking trail system. Construction of the nature park will commence this winter with an anticipated completion and public opening by the end of 2016. Katy Development Authority and Sueba USA Corporation are excited to be joint participants in the construction of the Boardwalk District — a project that will provide Katy residents and visitors an additional first class development to live, work and play.


    Katy Development Authority was formed by the City of Katy, Texas to promote economic development through public-private partnerships that support the completion of public infrastructure and high quality private development. Sueba USA Corporation is a Houston based real estate development company that is an established leader in the acquisition, development, construction, and management of both residential and commercial real estate.


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  3. Hello all,


    My first post on here, I've moved to Houston permanently last week but I lived here briefly in 2006.


    I hadn't driven down Westheimer in a few years and was excited to see a lot had changed retail wise on the road since 2006.  Some of the older strip malls have been demolished between the Tollway and 610 making the street look a lot better than it did years ago (in my opinion).


    I noticed a few things though that I think you have all mentioned!  The overhead services look terrible, some of the poles are leaning so far they look like they're about to fall onto Westheimer at any second :D  Also some of the height changes between Westheimer and the parking lots in front of the retail are so high you either (a) take off or (b ) have to slow down to sub 5mph to make sure you don't damage your car.  Actually think that's quite dangerous on such a busy road.


    The state of the kerbing on the side of the road and the median is in a terrible condition.  That, the overhead services and the lack of trees makes a good chunk of the road seem dilapidated..  This is contrary to some of the great restaurants and retail in this part of the city.


    I've just moved here from L.A. and parts of Westheimer remind me of Van Nuys which has some of the ugliest overhead services near where I lived in Los Angeles.


    It's a real shame that Westheimer is in such poor condition as it's one of the main arteries of the city and could, with a bit of work, look much much better.


    Glad to be here though :D

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