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Status Updates posted by 12365_1457473916

  1. The 'Green Book' was an essential guide for black travelers during the Jim Crow era https://t.co/HCTz51S2yv via @owhnews

  2. Has Hurricane Florence Destroyed Records of America's Slave Trade? https://t.co/tSPmfel5EN via @pacificstand

  3. Just Do It! https://t.co/g0gNzq1ySw

  4. How cornrows were used as an escape map from slavery across South America - Face2Face Africa https://t.co/DT5kRNEL7k

  5. Well said, well said! -- John McCain takes final swipe at Donald Trump in statement released after his death, via… https://t.co/XKejrON2oX

  6. Hurricane Lane is heading for Hawaii as a dangerous Category 4 storm - CNN https://t.co/dVkruXgwUM

  7. @JenJen2182 @AprilDRyan @FLOTUS @KingJames @realDonaldTrump @donlemon I know that's right. She needs to stay by the man she's with!

  8. Well said and true! https://t.co/DARqxB6dlf

  9. RT @MinneapolisPD: Have you heard about the 13-year-old the City cleared to sell hot dogs? Jaequan Faulkner’s stand at 1510 Penn Ave N is o…

  10. RT @CharlesMBlow: Folks, your government is being revealed to you. Most of what we thought were rules were actually just customs without an…

  11. RT @CharlesMBlow: Also, I don’t know how I could not collapse if I walked into a funeral with nine caskets full of my family. #TiaColeman,…

  12. RT @SenKamalaHarris: The whole world just watched as the President sided with Putin over U.S. Intelligence Agencies. There is no doubt that…

  13. RT @Minkyadoo: Where can we watch the panel. https://t.co/68E8Vzo9Rm

  14. RT @RRBBGenealogy: Yet again Mother Earth reveals our ancestral truths that our ancestors didn’t matter when they died. But, their lives ma…

  15. RT @StephenKing: Hey, kids--the NRA and their sweethearts are beginning to relax, beginning to tell each other that "this will blow over, l…

  16. RT @TheRoot: Lawrence McKinney was awarded $1 million after spending 31 years in jail for a crime he did not commit: https://t.co/GzLeiOoZ2…

  17. RT @BarackObama: In Singapore with young people who are advocating for education, empowering young women, and getting involved all over Sou…

  18. RT @TheRoot: Oh, to be a white woman in America. College student who smeared bodily fluids on black roommate’s belongings receives special…

  19. RT @ObamaFoundation: President @BarackObama surprised our public meeting tonight to share his vision for the Obama Presidential Center and…

  20. RT @davidhogg111: Better Idea: Spend your spring break in Puerto Rico, it's a beautiful place with amazing people. They could really use th…

  21. RT @legalgen: How many more of our children do we have to lose before we say enough? #notgenealogybutcloseenough https://t.co/bcXFRVgZVS ht…

  22. So true, so true! https://t.co/hKQKRXRjjX

  23. RT @blackprogen: NEW African Roots Podcast from BPG’s @AYWalton! https://t.co/gDfzHpPvmf

  24. RT @DanteEubanks: A8 Learning just as much about their neighbors, occupations, & the community in which they lived. #History is a part of #…

  25. RT @AmmaAsante: “It doesn’t matter when you bloom, just as long as you bloom”: https://t.co/3K7CqUouuC #SelfCareSunday I love this article…

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