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Posts posted by Gator80

  1. I’m not in any hurry to see the bank building destroyed. I.M Pei designed it to be the child of the TCB Tower which was the father and the building building next door with the parking garage was the mother. That’s how he described it. They are a trio and were designed that way. 

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  2. I think its a shame to lose the banking hall as originally designed by Philip Johnson. In my opinion it is the most majestic interior commercial space in Houston. Interersting when similar renovations were proposed for Johnson’s AT&T building in NYC the outcry was such that the building was awarded protected landmark status and was thus saved from any “improvements” on the original design. 

  3. I'm just happy to see Chevron making such a strong commitment to downtown. Of course I wish the architecture was more striking and that the building was taller. I have serious doubts that any of us over the age of 30 will live to see anything resembling the trophy towers put up 30 years ago happen again in our lifetimes. With few exceptions like Transco those were put up for regional banks and that world doesn't exist anymore.

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