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Posts posted by HPmatt

  1. Pretty sure about what I am about to tell you.

    I come from an old Harrisburg Family.

    Milby Mansion was actually located on the left side of Broadway past Harris Elementary School going toward town. I can't remember whether it burned down or was just torn down many many years ago. We are talking somewhere before peace being declared WWII.

    The Grandparents of Charles Dow Milby lived there.

    Charles Dow Milby lived in a gorgeous plantation style house with servants quarters accross from my grandmothers house. My Mom tells me it was torn down after Charles Dow's parents died or something of that. My Mom is still alive and is 84 years old. She came to my Grandmothers house after peace was declared and knew the Milby's. If you are curious where this house was, I can tell you my Grandmothers address and the house I speak of was located directly accross the street from her front door. We lived there all of my life up till 3 years ago when we sold it and moved with my husband. My Grandmothers house was built in 1927. located at 7924 Channelside Houston, Texas. What is now Channelside used to be Lawndale. Lawndale was changed to Channelside during Mayor Louie Welch's Administration.

    Now the house that you are referring to and that most of my age group referred as "The MIlby Mansion" was in actuality "The Hammon House" owned by John Hammon. From what I understand the Hammonds and Milbys were interconnected by marriage somehow.

    All these last names are either interconnected by marriages from the very fargone past or by friendships;

    Todd, Milby, Deady, Hammon, Harris.

    I am thinking councilman Robb Todd is related in someway to The Harrisburg "Todd Family".

    By the way I think I am misspelling "hammon" My Mom says it like Hammond but if I remember correctly she told me "no, not Hammond but Hammon or Hamnon. I'll ask her tomorrow. She's went to bed now.

    She called and talked to Charles Dow quite sometime back. That had to be late 80's or early 90's.

    Most of these families have burial sites in the Glendale Cemetary down by Harris Elementary.

    (See Glendale Cemetary Association.

    I hope this helps!

    I wonder why you ask if we remember the "Milby Mansion"?

    I do and it was beautiful.

    I lived on Pine Gully from 1961 to 1981 and remember the Milby mansion on OGR was demolished around 1983 or thereabouts.  As another poster noted - red brick house, window louvers, palm trees up the drive - similar to the Palm trees that used to line Broadway in the 1960s.  I attended Deady Jr High and Milby Sr High.  My mom did too.  Our family came to Houston during WWII when Armco steel was hiring for the war effort.  I was in school in Austin when my mom sold our house on Pine Gully. The City of Houston built the wastewater treatment plant phase 1 then - it was really nice with the 100 year old oaks along OGR setting the concrete floculation tanks off very nicely. Wasn't into history back then but have since read Milby was a cotton trader in the early 1800s in the port town of Indianola, which was wiped off the map twice by hurricanes and wasn't rebuilt after the second one - located down by Victoria.  The book on Indianola also mentioned that the backer was JP Morgan - competing against Vanderbilt - who had monopoly on Galveston, New Orleans and other Gulf ports.  JPMorgan was funding towns to compete against Vanderbilt steamships.  JPMorgan created the syndicate that  built the Houston Ship Channel, as well as Morgan City LA, Morgan's cut/point in Galveston Bay, and Idaianola, among others.

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