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Status Updates posted by abe

  1. The @Lexus LC500 has me like

  2. The all too familiar late night leave. @ University Of Houston - Architecture Building http://t.co/9Dzr3HqH7x

  3. The chalk illustrations from the nook always make me envious of whoever has such a skill set. #thenookhttp://t.co/dmeOhueLkL

  4. The problem with having two different classes combined into one is the professors different teaching styles and approach.

  5. There's no running water in the building. This is nice. I can't wash my hands.

  6. There's something about the bark of a pine tree and the texture it makes. #nature #tree #tx #vscocamhttp://t.co/Ph8Lf5Jvta

  7. this dude at school is literally talking so loud it feel like he's having a conversation to everyone. #backtoschool

  8. This fade is stunning! Nicely put together @Armani https://t.co/Kg3URK8hl9

  9. This mini session I'm taking, I wish it wouldn't end honestly.

  10. Today's culture intake is a piece I highly recommend to anyone. Don't want to give any spoilers. #arthttp://t.co/Tt19gRX3tH

  11. Today's in store playlist is inspired by #SuperBowl performers @ladygaga @BrunoMars @Beyonce @coldplay

  12. Tomorrow starts the three day Arvizu tour. Three cities in three days! Let's do it! #Houston➡#SanAntonio➡#Lufkin

  13. Video: (via https://t.co/ixIvSKYGIQ) for those chill study nights. http://t.co/UGhXsXyesf

  14. Video: Drinks On Us - Mike Will Made-It http://t.co/bpZaT0Rs2g

  15. Waiting for water to boil, had the wrong burner on.

  16. When someone you don't know recognizes you. #

  17. When you find an old playlist #purebliss

  18. When you go to a commuter school and nobody wants to come up and study for finals because they all live & work in other parts of the city<<<

  19. When your Bluetooth headset dies and you have to go back to wires, it's like switching to two cups & a string. #SundayGroove

  20. When your family goes all quiet when asking whose present is whose and you start to here whispering around you. Well that one's mine.

  21. Who do we need to talk to to get a @Whataburger on campus? @UHouston

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