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Posts posted by T8ER1234

  1. At 8am this morning (2/9/09), two Hispanic men in there late 30s or early 40s were stealing our basketball goal in front of our house. They were driving an F350 extended cab, license plate 72CZL7. They claimed they thought the goal post was heavy trash. Be on the lookout for them as they had a truck full of "heavy trash".

    Those people live on Allston and bought the truck they were driving 2 years ago with 288,000 miles on it. It seems as though they are exactly the type of people who would grab things that people are "finished with" (on heavy trash day) and use it until it is no longer useable.(much like the truck) If these were 2 white kids in a new Toyota Tundra instead of an old junky truck with older hispanics in it, would you have made a different assumption?

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