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Posts posted by jb11

  1. Every meal (or any act of consumption) is a statement, a purpose. The statement might be, "I am hungry, need food NOW, have $3 to spend. Oh look, there's a Taco Bell." It might be, "I want something greasy and indulgent tonight...with bitter beer." If there is no purpose, and if you're willing to acknowledge that similar goods are available of better quality at lower price elsewhere, then...WTF?

    And as for walking, anybody can walk around pretty much anywhere if they want to. Goodness knows why anybody would want to walk around CityCentre, though. That's just so normal, it's weird. And I say that because it seems to come so naturally to the thoughtless, to those inclined to activity without purpose.

    So by your rational, one might see you on a perusing the streets near petrol station? not real sure why you would do that. Taco Bell? Next. The Greyhound bus station? Good luck with that pal.

    I dont know you, but you are clearly TTH. Uniquely ununique.

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