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Blade Runner

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Posts posted by Blade Runner

  1. There's a family rumor that my Great Grandfather patched up the radiator on a car of B & C's, not realizing who they really were... Sadly, My G-Grandfather passed shortly after I was born, and as a jackwagon youngster, I never spoke to my Great Grandmother about it before she passed on...

  2. The walmart heb and lowes on westhiemer and kirkwood used to be a greenfield with a small church and a cemetery next to it.




    That was the church that my grandmother (and some of my other obscure family members) attended for several years. I had relatives buried there. I still seethe when I pass that damned H-E-B.

    • Like 1
  3. I worked at Cardis, Backstage, still at Warehouse, Fitz, HoB, wad just reminiscing about Motorhead and all the local shows with Lemmy, and I even did a short stint in a punk band called Green Jello..... heh




    Little pig little pig, let me in....





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  4. One teensy little thing though...


    For those of y'all who keep mentioning underground trains, it would never work. Much of Houston was built on swampland, remember? Those floods that we get, the high water table, the silty sand underneath all the concrete, the fault line under Richmond Ave. that causes you to play out your "I'm riding a bull in the rodeo" fantasies as you bounce down it... 


    He was right in the article when he said that Metro's ridership is dismal. Driving around every day, (I drive for a living.) I hardly ever see a full city route bus. They just don't happen. Yes, the P&R buses get utilized, (somewhat) but that's a different kettle of fish.

  5. I'm quite a bit late to this party, but....



    Why in the holy hell would anyone want to tear apart another stretch of I-45 for a park, or parking, or any other such nonsense?


    With there being over 6.5 million in the greater Houston Metro area, many of them using that corridor, that would be a terrible and very costly mistake. Our traffic is borked bad enough as it is, and y'all are only asking... nigh, BEGGING for it to become much worse with an idea like this.


    Or so it seems, from what I'm reading here. Would anyone care to enlighten this knuckle dragging neanderthal?

  6. Broadway between I-45 and Hobby Airport is also terrible. That's not a great way to welcome folks to Houston who may have flown in via Hobby.


    I'm surprised how quickly Greenbriar's condition deteriorated. I think it was repaved around 2005 or 2006. Within 2 or 3 years, it was back to its suspension fitness testing ways.


    It IS kinda fun fun to go bombing down Broadway doing about 45mph though, sometimes.... :P

  7. Score another INTJ......


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