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Posts posted by Riomar

  1. I like the waterfall. It is very pretty. It seems more landmarkish to me. I have always liked it. I find it to be one of my favorite places in Houston. I also like the look of the theater (I used to go there for RHPC back when I was a part of the cast in '98-'99). As far as a place to go I don't care for it. It seems to me that most of the shows are art and indie films and that is not really my cup of tea. It is a important landmark though. It was a tough decision, but I picked the waterfall in the end. The theater is great, but all towns have a historical theater (though ROT is one of the few that is still a theater and it has been a movie theater for a long time as well). The waterfall is a bit more unique. Really both would be terrible. Here is my ten (no real order just as they pop into my head): The Alabama Theater (sad and empty as it is), The waterfall, the odd white statue downtown (near the library), The Beer-Can house, the statue of the violinist out side of the Worthem (or is it more Jones hall), GRB, the Galleria, the zoo, the science museum and NASA. I would also count the DT skyline as a landmark, because it is always shown and so well known. Also if I had to pick between the River Oaks and the Alabama I would pick the Alabama strait up for looks and style. Lastly I love Puma's pic of the waterfall. Currently the vote is 46/52 (ROT).

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  2. Yep that is it. I lived right down the street. It was a florist after that. The florists moved over by Memorial City Mall. I saw them when trying out a burger joint over in the area (forgot the name of both, hehe. I can ask my mother tomorrow for the name of the florists). I miss that little grocers it was a neat place. Also thank you on the name of HEB (and yep it made me giggle).

  3. Got curious and wanted to know if any one knows the history on FIESTA Market? I was talking to my mother earlier and she was grumbling about HEB parking across the street from the one near her. She doesn't shop there much, but she thought it was rude. Anyway it made me wonder about Fiesta's history. Also I hear they might die out. Though I am not a big fan, I would still hate to see it die. The chain is such a big part of Houston. At least in my opinion I feel it is. My guess is it came out of the 50's or 60's (I could see 70's, but somehow that seems to young. Maybe that is just me). So let the stories, pics, article links and all the other fun things flow!!! B)

  4. The woman who was murdered in front of the exercise studio that was next to Dance City USA was Elizabeth Etter or “Edder” I’m not sure of the spelling, but she was the wife of a Houston doctor. I arrived just minutes after it happened, sometime around nine AM. I saw her lying next to her car as I was driving down Richmond Ave. It was in the early spring of 1977, I believe. I looked over and saw someone lying on the ground along side the drivers side of her car that was parked horizontally, right in front of the exercise studio next to Dance City. Someone lying on the ground at 9 AM on a weekday morning was easily spotted from Richmond Ave, because

    The Windsor Plaza parking lot was almost deserted during the night in those days, few people parked there overnight. I drove immediately over to the scene. She’d been getting out of her car for her exercise class when two men parked close by in the opposite direction, shot her out of their window and sped off. We knew this because there was one eye witness, a young woman who’d driven up behind her, going to the same exercise class. I never heard any more about it until sometime in the 1980’s when either the Houston Post or Chronicle ran a feature entitled “Who killed Elizabeth Etter/Edder” – it was the most amazing story,

    The investigative reporter listed MANY people who’d died strangely. seems like it was like 12 or more, all very oddly and they all were linked together in some way. Each had died such a strange death, or had been murdered and the murder was yet unsolved. And they all knew each other either socially or professionally!

    The story went on to say an elderly couple came forward a year after her murder reporting that their son who lived close to Windsor Plaza had been gunned down in the same fashion, And although Houston police were aware of his murder, they hadn’t told police of their fears. They said they’d been afraid to come forward before with the information that their son had known/was connected, in some way to the murdered woman in the parking lot.

    So far this is all I can find and for all I know this could even be from you. I did discover from death records that the name is Etter and it was 1977, Possibly. (at least this is the only name that pops up for the time period. No Etter pops up for '76 and only one Edder pops up and it is the wrong first name and for '77 there is no Edder, but the only Etter is Elizabeth. This is what brought me to the conclusion that it was Elizabeth Etter in 1977). I am still looking and will hopefully find something soon.

  5. Great video and good music. After seeing that I now declare Dave Ward a vampire, lol. He never seems to age other then the hair is gray. Loved the old Gallery Furniture ad clip. He was so young then. I do wish there was a clip from an old Cal Worthington ad and Thunderbolt. I loved seeing the Shots of Astroworld, The Astrodome, Foley's and Woolworth's.

  6. I have very vague memories of shopping on a few occasions at the one off of Dunlavy. I do remember loving the stained glass lights. If you are not sure which one I am talking about it is where the Fiesta is now (and the new HEB--way off topic, but what does that stand for?). It became a Safeway and then an Appletree before it was Fiesta. I do remember being exited when we were going to go there, not sure why though. Maybe because it was different and kinda a rare treat. Most of our groceries was either at the small corner grocers (forgot the name, old style type grocer on the corner of Jack and West Alabama across from where the Arcadian Bakery is now. The grocer is now long gone) or the Montrose Kroger's. This Weingarten's must have post dated 1955 as it is not listed.

  7. The house appears to not be for sale anymore. I tried to look it up on HAR before I got to the bottom post. When you put the address in it says there are no listings (however, HAR does this sometimes). I am starting to wonder if the house is haunted or something, lol. I am mostly kidding about that, but it does seemed to have changed hands a bit over the years since. This post has given me a new mystery to check out. I am a bit of a true-crime junkie. I didn't even know about this story until today. I only looked at this post cause I thought it would be about another Texas murder ( a definite murder) from the 80's. I was not disappointed, though. I am now very intrigued. If I am correct Murder in Texas is the good book to get, then. Going off what I have been reading here (and hoping I am reading right), I do wonder why she was buried way out here. There wasn't even really anything out my way at the time (I live just past Dairy Ashford). This is unless you are talking about another Forest Park West, but this is the only one I can find. If I am right it is interesting that it is just about around the corner from me. Now it is time for Google searches and book hunting.

  8. I am from central Houston (Lamar class of '98 btw), not all that far from the Montrose Library. I now live far west just past Dairy Ashford (the location i choose was the closest one avail). I don't have many old Sharpstown stories. We did shop at the mall from '87 on. I do remember it was a nice mall. I don't exactly remember when we stopped going there. I know it was after the mid '90s. I know we were still some times going there past '99. We also bought some of my daughters first school uniforms from the uniform store that was next to the Foley's and that would have been around 2003. Seems to me though that right around high school we started shopping at the Galleria more often. By then, though, the mall had started going down hill. I am not talking about the people there, either. The mall itself started to look really bad. It started to look dirty and unkept. The stores where also not that neat or organized any more. When it was my regular mall, I went there for clothes, excories, Christmas shopping and hair cuts. I also got my ears pierced there (anyone remember Piercing Pagoda). I loved shopping at Foley's and Clairs. There was also a pizza place (well more of a stand) I really liked (also had really good baked ziti) in the food court (started w/ a V). My brother lived for the Babbadges.(sp). I have a friend that grew up there (went to Strake and later SHS). His parents still live there. I do sometimes travel past and through Sharpstown. I feel it is perfectly save to drive through (I can only think of two neighborhoods not safe for that and Sharpstown is not one of them). Now I will say this, no I don't believe it is all that perfectly safe. Sharpstown is like a lot of Houston neighborhoods, a mixture. Parts are bad parts are good. The problem is they are starting to run into each other. I will tell you this. I would never tell any one it is safe to wander around at mid in any neighborhood...ever. Not alone at least. If you want to fix Sharpstown then get rid of the gangs. You don't have to get rid of the poor, at least not completely. Before building anything new get rid of the old and run down or fix it. Start building up parts for low middle class people. Meaning to attract low middle class. You can build it up from there. I would like to see a refurbished mall. (w/ real security at least for the moment)

  9. Earlier while reading about Foley*s made me think of another long gone, much missed shopping destination in downtown. Who here remembers Woolworth's ? I used to love going there. We didn't go that often and it felt like a treat when we did. Usually Iwas going w/ my mother to look at fabrics. Sometimes I would also get some cheap, bargain jewelry. I also seem to remember a luncheon or soda counter down in the basement. I do miss going there and wish it was still around. If anyone has a pic of the store (one from the '80's would be wonderful)I would love to see it.

  10. I very well remember Foley's. I loved that store. Some of the others mentioned I have never heard of until today, however. This is prolly cause we never shopped at them. If it wasn't Foley's then it was Sears (which used to be neat but now just looks like crap and I do miss the old candy counter at the mid town -near Wheeler- Sears lol). We also went to Montgomery Ward's sometimes. Most of our shopping was at Foley's. When I was little (before we had a car) we always went to the downtown store. I do remember eating there sometimes, but I forgot which restaurant we ate at. I believe it was the one in the basement. From what I am reading here, I am guessing the cafeteria. Most of the time my mother would take me to either the McDonald's or Burger King. The only thing left is the McDonald's. I find this kinda sad cause I prefer Burger King. I have been tempted to go into the McDonald's recently for old time sake lol. I also remember a old (or old fashioned) ice cream shop somewhere near by. Dose anyone else? I really do miss Foley's. I remember the sales and that they where good sells. Not Macy's idea of a sale. While Foley's was more expensive then Sears or Ward's they where cheaper then Macy's. Did anyone else notice the price jump when they all became Macy's? I do go there, but typically for the white sale. That they are famous for and that they do do well. Now I am a Penny's girl. I still miss Foley's though and the maroon and white bags and boxes. I even still say Foley's sometimes when I mean Macy's. Oh after we had a car for some reason we started going to the Sharpstown store almost exclusively. I never saw the downtown one after '87, not counting the time I went to Macy's for nostalgia (though that trip was a huge let down). Lastly does anyone know where the name came from?

  11. There has been some discussions in the Chronicle Archives on where the name of the street Buffalo Speedway came from Chron

    Well I think I may have found a clue. While on google earth 2 nights ago I found a 1944 map of Houston with this on it.


    It's right where Pershing Middle school is today. If you turn off the road layers you will see this track was before the streets Buffalo Speedway and Stella Link existed.

    Would be nice to find the history of this track. Was it a horse racing track or a auto racing track? It looks kind of large to be a horse racing track tho.

    It looks kinda like a old auto race track.

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