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Kaplan's Delicatessen Restaurant At 5225 Almeda Rd.

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I was searching Ebay or old TMC stuff and came across a rare? matchbook for Kaplan's Delicatessen Restaurant located at 5225 Almeda Road.

How did this place compare to the original in the Texas Medical Center on South Main? (Wait, Kaphan’s Restaurant At 7900 South Main is run by a different owner?)

Did anyone ever eat here?


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That's a new one on me.  Yes, Kaplan's and Kaphan's are not the same.  When I lived briefly on Southmore in '63 there was a One's a Meal on Almeda about a block or two south of there; I don't remember this place at that time.


There was a Kaplan's Ben Hur on Yale in the Heights, a family run small department store.  I'm sure there's a thread on that here.  I don't know if they had a lunch counter?

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At one time, that part of Houston was all White. A friend of my mother grew up not far from there, on Wheeler East of Almeda.

The phone number starting with JA indicates the Jackson Exchange, which is the building on Richmond at Graustark.

Edited by Ross
Fix spelling of Wheeler
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