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Awesome photos Triton!! Downtown is poised to turn into everything we all have hoped for.


It's a slow process but it's finally getting there.... they just need to keep up with the residential development.  Nothing is gonna happen unless people actually live Downtown. 

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Well we are all but guaranteed 5,000 new residential units downtown, so there will be about 7,500 downtown units by the time the Super Bowl rolls around.. It's just a matter of will the residential development continue in downtown once the incentives fun dry, but with all the new rail projects, the new parks, the urbanization geographical shift, and the planned retail district, residential activity continuing in downtown is practically assured.

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Well we are all but guaranteed 5,000 new residential units downtown, so there will be about 7,500 downtown units by the time the Super Bowl rolls around.. It's just a matter of will the residential development continue in downtown once the incentives fun dry, but with all the new rail projects, the new parks, the urbanization geographical shift, and the planned retail district, residential activity continuing in downtown is practically assured.


Hopefully.   I own a place in the Medical Center ... my plan is to eventually move Downtown. 

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What's different about this rendering? I like this building because of it's dominance, not it's architecture marvel. I personally like the north/south front of the building better than I do the spine----which seems to be the only rendering anybody is proud of.


Hey Woodlands guy, I think many of us were commenting on Triton's pics and not necessarily the rendering - granted this rendering shows a thinly illuminated spine and crown that I don't think I've seen before.


Personally I was excited about the picture from Chase Tower showing all the lots being transformed from Main all the way to 59.  Although there's minimal ground floor retail, that area of downtown will truly be a mix of uses by 2017 with hotels, offices, residential, and even the HSPVA school coming onboard.


Check it out - any building in Houston other than a glass box with a flat roof is an 'architectural marvel' (I-10 Memorial Herman not withstanding). 

Edited by 'Stonian
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What's different about this rendering? I like this building because of it's dominance, not it's architecture marvel. I personally like the north/south front of the building better than I do the spine----which seems to be the only rendering anybody is proud of.


I agree. I don't think any of the buildings going up are architectural marvels or even all that interesting. Can't believe I'm saying this, but it doesn't really bother me, as long as the the ground floors are active and built with the pedestrian in mind and the upper floors aren't hideous.


To me, this stage of downtown's and Houston's growth is about density. Once there are actually pedestrian corridors and life on the streets, then I think the market will mature a bit and we'll start to see some better architecture. A lot (if not most) of what's being built now is being developed by merchant builders. They are interested in flipping out of the buildings once they stabilize. You'll hardly ever see interesting architecture by a merchant builder because they're building for the REITS and funds out there. 


For a long time, people in NYC complained that no good architecture was every built there. Recently that's changed, but just goes to show you that it might take a while...

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I talked to a supervisor a while back and he said the wings on top would be facing to the west, those pics don't make sense with the garage on the east side of the project, something seems fishy. 


edit: I think the light rail might have thrown me off, I assumed it was the existing line but it may actually be the new line on Texas.

Edited by hindesky
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I talked to a supervisor a while back and he said the wings on top would be facing to the west, those pics don't make sense with the garage on the east side of the project, something seems fishy.

I think you are seeing something wrong. That rendering is depicting the tower facing East down Rusk( or capital? I forget which one is further north), showing the new light rail line. The garage is to the north.
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I talked to a supervisor a while back and he said the wings on top would be facing to the west, those pics don't make sense with the garage on the east side of the project, something seems fishy. 


edit: I think the light rail might have thrown me off, I assumed it was the existing line but it may actually be the new line on Texas.


Yes the rendering shows the view on Capitol looking east towards the GRB.  This view will not be as visible since the rendering conveniently removed the smaller Chase Tower garage.

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Yes the rendering shows the view on Capitol looking east towards the GRB.  This view will not be as visible since the rendering conveniently removed the smaller Chase Tower garage.


This shows how much power Hines wields.  He built 601 Travis, and he can make it disappear (in other renderings, as well)...  :ph34r:

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This shows how much power Hines wields.  He built 601 Travis, and he can make it disappear (in other renderings, as well)...  :ph34r:


We should start a rumor that they are going to dig 10 stories worth of dirt out underneath it and submerge the whole thing. That seems more plausible than what I just wrote in the Houston Club/Skanska thread.

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What is that fortress-like columns in the back from? I mean, in the construction of 1111 Travis, some old concrete walls remained below the street level, that was from Foley's. But I can't figure out where those columns came from. Are they new? (They didn't come from the McDonald's, for sure)


"Texas Tower", I think, was in the lower left hand corner (is that what the other demo'd building is from?). Are the columns near/below the streets construction from that?

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^^^Great photo, a little more on the top would make it even better.


My iPhone's internal level indicator is a bit sticky, so it took me about five tries to not have the Salvadore Dali effect with the panorama.


They built stairs down to the bottom of the pit. It will be interesting to see how they continue to excavate the garage portion and then connect the two parts.

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Photo credits got to Bobruss.  These are from the 609 Main site.


15441682326_e2f7851b49_b.jpgHines Crane by brijonmang, on Flickr


Close up of the Neils Esperson Building top

15278152178_07b82d2eaf_h.jpgEsperson by brijonmang, on Flickr


Not sure why these are coming in sideways.  Anyone know why this may be?

They look fine on Desktop. Usually when I post photos from my phone on tinypic they end up sideways on desktop.

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