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Child Marriage from Around the World *NSFW*


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Stephanie Sinclair, an American photo journalist won the FreeLens Award for her photo series "The Bride Child - Child Marriage Around The World". She's one of the very first that has traveled around the world, in several different countries, photographing moments of this everyday tragedy. Some of these photos aren't safe for work, so check out them out later when you're at home.

Some more of her work: http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/gesellschaft/...,560708,00.html


The young Ethiopian Tsegaya Mekonen, 13 years old, being prepared for her marriage


Her husband and marriage day


The eleven year old Gulam Haider with her 40 year old soon to be future husband Faiz Mohammad. When asked how she was doing, she responded "I don't know this man. How should I feel?" This photograph was picked out as the UNICEF photo of the year.


Victim of Gambling: Majabin, 13 (left), became the second wife of Mohammed Fazal, 45, because her father bartered her to make up for his gambling debt.


47 year old difference: Roshan Kasem, 8 years old, on the day of her engagement to Said Mohammed, a 55 year old man. As soon as a girl is engaged, she is taken out of school. Her father is to poor to feed her.


A female officer saves the situation: Janan, a 35 year old man, wanted to kill his wife because she fled to her family. Jamila was engaged to him when she was one year old and married him when she was 10 years old.

Rather death by fire than child marriage. Girl attempted to burn herself to death rather than be forced to marry. - Graphic - http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/4710/wo...osesfirers8.jpg


The tradition of child marriage has catastrophically effects: If a girl attempts to run away from an arranged child marriage, she will often become the victim of human trafficking and prostitution.


The young bride child China escaped from her husband and ended up falling into the hands of human traffickers. She is a victim of violence everyday.


Horrible stuff. Practice of basically child rape/pedophilia worldwide. This goes beyond traditions, as it is just wrong and gross.

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A lot of it was just bad, but the 55 year old man marrying an 8 year old. . . what. . really, is he sick in the head?

Man, no words, just sad.

But I don't think this thread should have had the photos in it, rather maybe a link to the photos.

It really makes it hard for people to post about it, especially at work when the images will load up.

I suggest you used Diet HAIF or something if access to it is still around, or simply edit the post to remotely link the photos.

Really only 2 of them are NSFW, the rest seem safe.

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