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Mod For Sale


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It sold in December '04 for between 80-90k, that's even a better deal....

Yes, well a peruse of some of the before pictures under the "aqua oven" thread will give you an idea of what you got for that, three months of constant work later it doesn't seem like such the bargain it did in December! :blink:

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If you like mods, you can find tons of them in Westbury. Just watch out for termites, flood plain (and the accompanying problem of mold), not so hot schools and rising crime. But if you really want a mod, Westbury is loaded with them.

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Where do you feel like most of the crime is? West or East of Chimney Rock, South of Braeswood, around Hillcroft, near the 610, South Post Oak? Who are these criminals that have set up shop? Specifics would be nice. I'm new to this area (I can tell you all about the crime in my Galleria apartment complex) so I'm still trying to figure out where not to find myself alone at night. It seems like you gotta watch your back everywhere in the city, but at the same time, I would rather live closer to town than say Missouri City. They aren't even that close to town and they have their share of crime too...

rps - sorry to piggyback your thread!


If you like mods, you can find tons of them in Westbury. Just watch out for termites, flood plain (and the accompanying problem of mold), not so hot schools and rising crime. But if you really want a mod, Westbury is loaded with them.

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The southern section is not as nice as the northern parts, no way around it. North of Bellefort the lots and the houses are much bigger. The southern portions are still more transitional but most of the neighbors of that one are okay.

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The house looks great and it was quick work! Glad you saved it and in an appropriate manner. The sunroom is big. Someone spent alot on that. I'm not sure I would leave the hot-tub inside but some may like it there.

Was there a wall in the front yard where the flower bed extends from the carport? One suggestion that may help the exterior look even better is to change the paint on the car port area. The light tone paint on the walls draws your eye to the car port instantly while you miss the really nice looking parts of the design. All the beams should be the same color- brown as you have most of them already. They are all part of the same system so should be treated the same way. The cream walls under the carport should match the other siding that is brown. It will make the house appear larger and not divided into sections. The cream color under the eaves looks good.

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Thanks for the quick links to the police beat for January. Looks like I need to keep my car in a garage...

I don't know, I guess I'm just a city guy at heart and I won't let anything discourage me from living in the city. I mean I've had my car broken into before, but it didn't make me run crying out of town. I'm buying an amazing home in what I feel like is a good neighborhood. All I can go on is my gut feeling, and it's good. Yeah, something bad could happen. I could get held up at gunpoint for all I know, but hey, in the past 5 years where I am now, we had someone get mysteriously shot and killed, my neighbor comitted suicide, my other neighbor got his car stolen by a one night stand lover, our car got broken into and had the $25 stereo stolen, and I've gotten more notes on my door telling me another person in the complex got held up on the street than I care to count, to the point where I just chalk it up to life in Houston. And I've had it worse in San Francisco and Los Angeles too. And I've lived near Huntsville where I was told to worry about prison escapees. We had an escapee wash up dead on the Trinity river shore. Man, all this talk is making me feel pretty hardcore. I guess I'm just saying thanks for telling me to be careful, but don't let fear run your life.


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Well, after all that you've been through so far, you should do just fine. Others not so "street-wise" as you might not be so well-equipped. I'm sorry if I sound jaded but after living in Westbury for many years, I wouldn't move back, for all the reasons I listed before, but mainly because of the crime and schools. Interesting architecture in some of the houses just couldn't overcome all that, for me at least. I hope your experience will be vastly different, welcome to the neighborhood! :D

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